Chapter 32

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Thank you for 54k and 55k on July 30th~❤️

I really wanted you guys to see this chapter sooner than the next 4 days cause I want to see y'all's reactions, and it's just my luck that someone asked for it 😏 so I'm gonna use them as an excuse to update again today.

You can thank Straystay9-1 for the double update sksksk~



When Hyunjin and I got back to the house, we were both still a bit disgruntled at each other. Hyunjin hissed at me when I tried to help him carry the bags in, so I went in without him and went to the kitchen to a very quiet house with Hyunjin following behind me moments later. I leaned back on the counter and watched quietly as he laid the bags on the other side of the kitchen. He started to pull things out of the bags, while I patiently waited for him to finish. Then, while he was trying to find what he wanted to cook in, I went to separate the things I needed from what he needed.

"What are you making?" I asked as I glanced over the few things he'd gotten curiously.

"Just chicken." He said as he pulled out a baking dish. "So, I hope you like your chicken seared. Cause that's how I intend to make it."

"No seasoning?" I asked, scrunching my nose at him.

"Do I look like a chef? I don't know how to season chicken. So unless Chan hyung swoops in here for a minute and seasons it, it's gonna have salt and pepper."

I stared at him for a few moments, trying to gauge whether or not he was joking.

"Yeah, I like it." I mumbled with a little frown at my conclusion as I started to sort through my ingredients. "Do you have a mixing bowl?"

"Yeah." He mumbled, tapping a cabinet door as he walked by to go to his stuff. "Everything you need should be in that cabinet. Take your pick."

"Okay." I mumbled as I went to the cabinet he'd tapped on. I went through it quietly for a good minute or two as he began to prep the chicken, before I started to get to work on my brownie recipe. "Also, I'll season the chicken." I added in as I set the oven to preheat. "So be generous about your salt and pepper."

"Okay." He mumbled back as I began to mix my ingredients. Only to realize that I had forgotten to get eggs.

"Hyung? Do you have any eggs?" I asked, looking back at him.

"Yeah. They're on the door of the fridge towards the middle." He said as he put his salt and pepper on the chicken. I hummed and went to go and get two eggs out of the fridge. I looked over the door of the fridge for a few moments for the eggs, only for my eyes to land on a bottle of whipped cream.



Okay, I just got a craving.

But, I ignored that craving. Because it would be weird and rude to steal whipped cream in a house that isn't mine, just to squirt it down my throat. So, I grabbed the carton of eggs below the whipped cream and left the fridge open as I went to deliver two eggs to my bowl. Only to pause when my eyes landed on the whipped cream again as I returned the eggs.

Ah, what the hell--

I grabbed the whipped cream, and did some quick math in my head for a way to snatch some without Hyunjin giving me a side eye for it.





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