Chapter 82

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Yes, I'm updating all of it, dear discord chat.

Still not over that Channie pic. Thank you dear person that gave me it despite saying you were going to sleep soon 😂 idk your wattpad or I'd @ you. Consider yourself safe for now.


When we got back to the house, Hyunjin was the only one in the living room. He smiled and waved at us when we came in.

"Hey." He crooned as we walked into the living room.

"Hi baby." Jisung purred, going over to Hyunjin to kiss him. Jeongin and Seungmin both went to sit down, while I was kind of desperate for a bath at this point. I left to go to my room, while they were busy kissing and greeting each other.

Ugh. Bath!

I ignored the sound of what seemed like Minho and Chan mating in Chan's room as I passed, and continued on my way to my bedroom. Also ignoring Changbin's open bedroom door and him looking over at me curiously as I rushed into my room.

I was very sticky, and now crusty. And I was not happy about it. The moment I set foot in my room, I started to strip off my clothes as I went to the bathroom. And even though I didn't really feel like standing on my feet for much longer, I opted for a shower so I could get in and out faster. I turned on the water and hopped in, shivering under the cold water until it turned warm, before I started to rinse off all the sticky and crustiness on my body. Not noticing as the door cracked open, or the soft footsteps coming closer to the tub--or the soft plopping next to the tub as someone sat down on the other side of the shower curtain. Not until the shower curtain moved, and a known voyeuristic culprit peeked into the bath at me.

"I--" I swung around with wide eyes, coming face to face with Changbin. "Excuse me?! Why are you watching me shower?!"

"The door was unlocked. So I felt like I was invited to come and enjoy the scene." Changbin mumbled as he checked me out. "Have you ever wanted to try out shower sex?"






Nah. We'd fall.

"Why not?" He asked with a grin as he reached around the curtain to grab my ass. "Are you not horny right now, pumpkin?"

"I literally had sex a couple hours ago!"


"I don't want to! Go away! And stop touching my ass!"

He chuckled at me and blatantly ignored me. I huffed and puffed at him, but he clearly had no intentions of moving. So, I finished up my shower with the prying eyes on my body--ones that quickly escaped with their owner when I started to get out, out of fear that he might be attacked for ignoring me.

Would've served him right.

I didn't really mind that much though. If Changbin wanted to watch me shower, then it was fine. I just wish that it were a more appealing scene for him.

As in, when I'm not crusty and heavily pregnant.


I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind though, and got out of the shower to dry off and get dressed. I fought on a pair of maternity shorts over my three and a half month along belly, before I waddled mildly angrily out of my bedroom and across the hall to Changbin's, bursting in the door on him where he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

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