Chapter 68

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Thank you for 239k, 240k, 241k, 242k, 243k, 244k, 245k, 246k, 247k and 248k on October 15th~❤️

I rage quit making those. I might do better later. But that's what I'm looking at. I was gonna put the summary here for you guys to have an idea of what might be published next, but FFS, it's gone and I don't know where it went 💀 I guess wattpad didn't like it.


"Where are Hyunjin and Seungmin?" Chan asked in a hell of an authoritative voice the moment that we walked into his house, just after the time that all of our mates should have gotten off of work after spending the day together.

Jeongin, Jisung, Changbin and Minho all looked up from where they were sitting on the couch when Chan spoke like that to them. All of them looked confused, while Minho immediately stood up to leave when he saw me peeking around Chan. My eyes fell after seeing the alpha, but honestly, he was the least of my worries right now with what was coming coming sooner than I'd expected.

"Minho, sit your ass back down." Chan snapped as the alpha got halfway to the hallway. Minho ignored him at first, only for Chan to speak again. This time, in a loud, yelled alpha voice that made all of us others in the room flinch, even both of the alphas. "Sit down."

Minho didn't seem to like Chan talking to him like that one bit. But for once, the other alpha didn't try to domineer his way through things. Not against Chan when he was serious enough to be using his alpha voice on his mates. Minho obediently went back to his spot on the couch, and chose to just avoid looking at me.

Chan let out a deep growl, probably an instinctive one to dissuade all the others from trying to cross him again. The oldest, alpha of the alphas in this pack made sure they knew he meant business, before he repeated himself.

"Where are Hyunjin and Seungmin?" He asked, his voice laced lightly with his alpha voice to ensure he got an answer this time.

Jeongin and Jisung both reacted to it with soft whimpers. Meanwhile, I was trying to keep my nerve and not bolt away from Chan, despite not being the one in the danger zone at the moment.

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