BONUS CHAPTER: Chanhyunsung

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btsbtsbysbtsbsy No double, but how about a triple? 😘😊

This bonus chapter starts and ends kind of awkwardly, but it gives a bit of a POV of how the three came into a relationship. It didn't really turn out how I wanted it to, but it's fine. This worked out.


~The first meeting~

~Jisung's POV~

"Do you think he's okay?"

Chan looked over at me with a little frown at my question as I stared down at the ragged boy who refused to say anything to us other than his name, 'Hyunjin'. I got a little glare from the alpha on the floor of our apartment, but I wasn't so scared, considering I had my own alpha with me. Chan sighed a bit at the alpha's prickly attitude, before he crouched down next to the other alpha.

"No, he isn't okay." Chan mumbled as he tried once again to treat some of Hyunjin's cuts and bruises with some ointment. Only to receive a snarl from the other alpha and nearly get hit once again. Chan moved back from the aggressive alpha and lightly nudged me back protectively, while the other alpha curled up on the floor and continued to glare at us.

How did we even get in this position?

I know it's my fault for insisting we bring the alpha home to treat his wounds, but he clearly doesn't want help. Every time Chan tries to touch him, Hyunjin tries to hit him.

I took in a deep breath, before I stepped around Chan to go to Hyunjin. Chan softly growled and tried to pull me back behind him, but I lightly pulled my arm away from the alpha and crouched down next to Hyunjin.

"We just want to help." I mumbled softly as I picked up the ointment. "You've already said you don't want to go to the doctor, but you need to get your cuts cleaned or they'll get infected. Can I clean them up for you?" I asked, looking the alpha in the eyes with a smile. I reached over my hand slowly, offering the alpha the chance to smack it away if he pleased. But he didn't.

He softly growled at me, but he didn't make any moves to try and hurt me like he had with Chan. I gently touched the alpha's arm, and smiled sweetly at him when he didn't try to hurt me even then. Though he did flash me his amber eyes warningly, I ignored the sign of aggression and squeezed some of the ointment out onto my fingers, before I gently glided my fingers over one of his cuts. I heard his breath hitch in pain, and my natural motherly instinct told me to talk to him.

"So, you've said that Hyunjin is your name, right?" I mumbled softly. "How old are you?"

He ignored me.

I gave him a little smile, despite the awkward situation. Even though he was in pain from me touching his cuts, the alpha's eyes never left my face. He watched me like a predator watches prey, his eyes unwavering. Like he fully expected me to try and pull something on him at any moment.

What has this kid been through that he's reacting to us like this? We haven't posed any threats to him, but he's treating us like one. I mean, I get that that's a natural instinct to not trust strangers, but aren't our intentions clear...?

Despite him ignoring me the first time, I continued to speak.

"Okay...well, since you won't tell me your age, I guess I'll just call you hyung then until you tell me otherwise. Do you mind me asking why you don't want to go to the hospital? Or why you don't want our help so bad? We really just want to make sure you're okay. Neither of us will hurt you, I promise."

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