Chapter 83

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This feels liberating to update the last chapters.

How do you guys feel, hm?

I stopped to Google some more Hyunjin pics lol.


Apparently, when Hyunjin said he wanted to go on a date tonight...he meant right after we got back to the house. He gave me an hour to get ready, and we were set off to go on our date by five. Way before I would have expected, but I wasn't complaining.

He held my hand and waist as we went down the stairs to their garage, and opened the passenger's door for me to get in his car. Then, he held my waist as I climbed into it, and reached around me to make sure I was buckled in before he got in.

"You're being protective." I mumbled as I shifted the seatbelt over my stomach and chest for a more comfortable position.


He didn't really give me much of a response. He reached out and held my hand as he backed the car out of the garage with the other one, giving me a good, clear and sweet view of the handsome alpha driving with one hand.

I don't think I'll ever get over that.

I appreciated his muscles, ignoring his pointed smiles when he saw me checking him out. He intertwined our fingers as he started to drive, lightly rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb as he started towards the city.

"Do you have anywhere specific you want to eat? Anything you're craving?" He asked, glancing over at me.

"Um..." I bit my lip, looking out the window at some of the buildings we passed by. "I think Italian works for me. Carbonara or a soup sounds good right now."

"Alright." He said, seeming to think for a moment before he changed course to head to whatever place he had in mind. "Do you mind if we get something to go? I've got a place in mind that I want to take you on the other side of the city. We can eat when we get there."

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking at him curiously.

"You'll know when we get there." He said with a little smile. "Is it okay?"

"Yeah, it's okay." I mumbled, before pouting at him. "But where are we going?"

"You'll know when we get there." He repeated, before he leaned over to kiss my cheek.

I grunted at him, before I turned my head to look out the window after he rejected telling me where we were going. Though my huffing and puffing only lasted a few minutes before I was attempting to cuddle with his free arm as he drove. He crooned softly for me, occasionally turning his head to kiss my forehead when he had a chance to look away from the road for a second.

"I love you." He mumbled, smiling a little at me.

"I love you too." I said, shifting my head to look up at him with a mirrored smile, before I rested my head against his bicep and purred softly, content with just being next to him.

Faster than I'd expected, we'd gotten our food and were on our way to whatever destination he had in mind. I had let go of his arm at this point, happily munching on a breadstick Hyunjin had pulled out for me when my stomach started to growl. I ignored the little smiles and coos from the alpha as I stuffed my cheeks with the breadstick, not understanding why he thought my mouth being filled to the brim was apparently cute. But to each their own, I guess. I looked back and forth between my window and the windshield, watching everything pass by as we slowly but surely made it to our destination.

"Are we going to the Han river?" I asked, looking over at Hyunjin.

"Yeah." He said as he pulled into an area to park so we could get out. "I come here to walk every now and then. I know a few areas no one really goes. I wanted to take you there."

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