Chapter 23

13.2K 366 450

Thank you for 22k, 23k and 24k on June 28th, June 30th and July 1st~❤️

Y'all are really shitting on Felix 💀 funnily enough, these past few chapters have been me trying to redeem him...

Tbh though, I wouldn't trust him either. But my god, these next few chapters or so, maybe cut him some slack? The guys aren't exactly innocent either 😅

I've been trying to figure out which way I want this story to go. I've got two major events possibly planned, and I'm just trying to decide which one I want in the story, or if I want both. I don't know if they would both fit, but they would both boost the story towards it's end. Maybe I'll know soon? 🤔


Anyone want to explain why chapter 14 has nearly 300 views more than the rest of the chapters? 👀

I thought there were mostly Hyunlix shippers here. But I see there are quite a few Changbin/Changlix simps 😂


So--which is better, Changlix or Hyunlix? 👀

Also, to any American readers, happy early July 4th~ 😁


By the time that we had finished up our shift that day, Eunbin had gone home. So we didn't have to worry about dealing with her as our shift ended. We both changed into our clothes without much of an exchange between us, before we left the building. Though since we hadn't been talking before, I automatically went like I usually would have--heading towards the sidewalk to walk home. Though once I got a little ways away from Chan, he scoffed.

"Babe, what are you doing?" He asked curiously, making me pause.

"Uh...going home?"

He rose an eyebrow at me. "Uh...yeah. In my car. Why would you walk?"

"Because...that's what I usually do?"

"Well, you don't anymore. I'll take you home every day. Get in my car, babe."

Okay then.

I chose not to argue with the alpha. Because honestly, I didn't much want to walk home after I'd been playing with a vibrator throughout my heat literally yesterday. Though I wasn't really feeling it as badly as I usually did. Rather, my vibrator didn't feel like it quite fit, and was harder to get off to than I remembered.

I mean, it's not a big one. It's tiny. In comparison to the ones I've seen from my new boyfr--friends, at least. Though I don't really see why it didn't feel as good as it used to.

While Chan was busy driving, my eyes curiously drifted over to his crotch absentmindedly. My eyes roamed over the little bit of bulge in his pants as he sat, before my eyes shifted down to my own. Though I didn't really have much going on, mine was still a little visible.

My size is bigger than my vibrator though. So I guess it's not realistic...for an alpha. Probably not a beta, either. Even mine is on the big side in comparison, but...

I don't know why I'm even thinking about it though. It isn't like it matters. What would the size of the dicks around me have to do with me not enjoying my vibrator as much anymore?



"Did my ass change to the shape of your dick?" I mumbled in shock, furrowing my brows in horror. Chan looked over at me, mirroring my shock. I looked over at him too, staring with wide eyes for a few moments, before I gasped and coveted my face when I realized what I had just said.

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