Chapter 59

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I have secured a cookie.

So have another chapter since the previous one was short.


Before I knew it, I had been in Australia with my family for a week already. Time had flown at the speed of light, between me spending so much time having fun with my family and the long calls with my mates, mostly just before bed. Everyone was being clingy with me. And admittedly, I loved it. On top of that, I got to see some of my old friends as well.

All in all, I was content being back home.

But I was getting calls every other hour from my mates. Sometimes when they were on their own and wanted to see me, and other times when they were all piled up together on the couch and bickering back and forth as they tried to catch my attention. Being as adorable as possible while I tried to show all of them as much affection as I could before I had to go.

Right now, I had just woken up. I groaned softly as I stretched and stumbled out of my room, trying to work my morning voice a bit so it wouldn't be too deep for my parents to understand me. I purred softly as I went out of my old bedroom and towards the kitchen, where my mother was softly scolding my father for eating a piece of cake before he had breakfast. She smacked his shoulder angrily, before she snapped at him.

"I can't believe you! You're going to make your blood sugar skyrocket! Why are you eating cake at seven in the morning?!" She hissed as she stole the half eaten cake away from him. "You don't need to be eating this! Where did you even get this?!" She complained as she threw away the cake, while my poor father was sulking at the table.

"I just wanted something sweet, honey..." He pouted.

I couldn't help but giggle at the two as I walked into the kitchen, giving my dad a comforting hug before I went to go and snatched a sausage off of a plate my mother had piled full of them. I narrowly dodged her spatula swat towards my arm and ran away giggling with my prize to go and sit at the table as my mother finished making breakfast. She huffed at me and my father, but kept her mouth shut.

"So honey," My mother said as she glanced towards me. "Have you started to look for a job in Korea yet?"

"No." I said as I started to nibble on the sausage. "I'm not gonna be there for the interview process, so..."

"It still wouldn't hurt to start putting in applications."

"I'll start when it gets closer to the time that I'm gonna go back. I literally just graduated, so I'm not too worried about jumping right into the workforce. A week off the market won't hurt me. I just got my paycheck yesterday, and since I haven't really been home this past month, I have a bit of money leftover from the smaller bills. I'll be fine."

"But what if you can't get a job?" My father chipped in. "Even if it's a day too late, that can mean a lot."

"I'm not worried about it." Honestly, if I do end up not being able to get a job fast enough to pay next month's rent, I could just move in with my mates if I really wanted to. I'm chosing them over my family, so...I guess if I'm willing to do that, then I can at least live with them. And Chan did already tell me the basics of their little system if we break up. So...

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