Chapter 10

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I got a skz themed phone case~~^^🥰

I just reached 400 followers. Never thought that would happen 😶

Why the fuck is this #1 in omegaverse (when I'm writing this). Literally, we JUST got to chapter 10.

Another chapter over 7k words~♡

I was kind of shocked at how many comments the last chapter got so quickly 😂 there was about 8 or so. That's so much to me 🥰

I've actually got a bit of writer's block on this story. I need to write a big chapter before the next update. Y'all'll be hearing a bit more about that soon❤ No spoilers on my little plan~

Also, I am moving to a new apartment soon sometime between June 1st and June 16th. And if that takes up a lot of my time, updates might slow for a short while (one update a week) so I don't get too behind. I've already got writer's block 😅 and I need to finish up that other chapter I was talking about in the next 4 days. So things may slow down,  they may stay the same. Who knows. I just wanted to warn you in case it happens ❤


To say that the next shift Chan and I had together was tense would be an understatement.

Every time I turned around, I found Chan glaring at me. I would glare back, but it did make me feel bad at the same time.

I know I hurt him, and I know I hurt Jisung pretty badly.'s his fault too. He shouldn't have brushed off my feelings so easily. He shouldn't have tried to force me to stay. And neither should Jisung have. He should have let me go.

I couldn't help but be upset by the entire thing. I did kind of want to tell Jisung that I was sorry. I hadn't meant everything that I'd said to him. At least...not the part about their relationship disgusting me.

I'm not...phobic like that...

I don't understand, but...

Needless to say, an apology was definitely in order.

I mean, I have Jisung's number, but...

An apology over the phone...

That's not sincere at all.

My mind was completely bogged down for the entire shift. And it didn't help that Chan was glaring at me, or watching me like a hawk. He treated me like I was an idiot, too. He corrected me and snapped at me every time I made a mistake, badly enough that I was about ready to cry at one point.

I should really just change jobs. Locations, maybe. At least shifts. I can't handle this.

Though of course, the day could always get worse.


Isn't that the person that threw coffee at me that one day?

I tried my best to make sure that I got their order right this time, and not take too long. It certainly didn't help that they came at another busy time again, and Chan was in the back getting more caramel, since I'd just used the last of it on the previous drink I'd made.

It also didn't help that Changbin had just walked in and was making me a nervous wreck.

Is he glaring at me too? I don't have the courage to look at him.

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