Chapter 36

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Thank you for 64k and 65k on August 6th and 66k and 67k on August 7th and 68k on August 8th~❤️

I just realized that only one of you guys made the pregnancy assumption about the whipped cream and then a bunch of others just started to panic.

And it made me realize something that all stays have in common.

We all panic at the smallest of things and run around like chickens with no heads as the world (Stayville) just burns around us because of our own stupidity.

I have never had this much activity from my army readers. And I must say, every time I post something stray kids, I can't wait for the chaos in my comments 💀 I love seeing how drastically different the two fandoms I'm in are.

Armies are sunshine, roses and organized🌹☀️

Stays are burning cities and headless chickens🔥🐔

I love this family 💀


Everyone but me got drunk during the celebration, even though it was only five. So by seven, everyone but me was passed out in varying spots on the living room floor, besides Minho and Jisung who were mid-sex on the couch.

I cringed a little at them, but I honestly wasn't so surprised. They had been very serious when they said they went hard. I was afraid to know how much alcohol had gotten spilled onto the carpet, and I had a feeling they would be searching for their clothes into next week. And if it weren't for their giant yard outside with plenty of space between their house and the next, I would be worried about the police getting called from how loud they all were.

All in all, I had fun.

But I was still kind of worried about Seungmin, despite everyone telling me over and over not to worry about him. And now that I was left alone with my worries, I really wanted to apologize to him.

He would still be awake at this hour, right?

A part of me didn't want to bother him, since he clearly preferred solitude. But despite that, I got up and went down the hall to go and knock on his door.

I softly rapped my fist on his door, quietly enough that it wouldn't be heard from the living room, and wouldn't wake Seungmin if he were sleeping. But a moment after I knocked, I heard a lazily grunt inside the room, followed by the sound of a creaking bed as Seungmin came to open the door.

I tensed up a little when the door came open, and looked up at Seungmin a bit nervously, since I didn't really expect him to actually open the door. The sweet smell of rose water wafted out of his room, where I could see some dim red lights hanging. I gave him a nervous little smile as my eyes settled on him, but he just stared down at me with a blank expression.

"U-Um..." I mumbled. "Sorry, I just...wanted to come and say sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't mean to upset you or anything with my words. And...I don't really know you,'s wrong to judge you, or all younger alphas as being childish or...overbearing. I don't think you're like that, so, I just...wanted to say sorr--"

Before I could finish my sentence, he reached up a hand and covered my mouth. He rose an eyebrow at me, before he grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me into his room.

I gasped softly when he pulled me in. He let me stumble into his chest and wrapped his arm around me, before he shut the door. I looked up at him with wide eyes, to find him staring down at me with amber ones.

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