Chapter 61

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By the time that my second week in Australia was over, it had been a couple of days since I had spoken to my mates. All of them except Minho had been messaging despite me not responding, which just added onto my feelings of guilt. But now, as I was getting off of my plane back from Australia, everything felt even worse than it had when I was at least with my family.

I didn't even tell them I was coming home today...

My heart was pounding as I went to my own home. I was nervously chewing on my lip and picking at the plastic handle of my luggage bag as I waited for a taxi to park in front of me. The driver popped the trunk for me and helped me to put my luggage bag inside, before I got into the backseat and told him where my apartment was.

Only to kind of regret choosing this taxi as the driver drove scarily fast and was a bit of a swerver, causing my heart to beat out of my chest as I stared ahead with wide eyes as I looked back and forth between all the cars we were swerving between and the directions on my phone that showed we were ten miles from my apartment complex.


The whooping of a police siren elongated my ride time, making my fear and anxiety skyrocket as the driver cursed and pulled over.

My god--

I hate that I'm about to have to sit here while this guy gets a ticket, but I'm also kind of glad to be parked, to give my heart a break.

Only for my heart to race once again, when I saw who it was coming up to the window to give the driver an ass chewing.

Minho, in full uniform, with quite the pissed off expression on his face.

I felt my lips sealed and wished I could just sink into the seats of the taxi and never be seen again as the alpha looked at the taxi driver with a very annoyed expression, and held out his hand.

"License, registration and insurance card." Minho said in a restrained tone.

The driver huffed at him, giving him the side eye before he started to reach for the glove box. I turned my head to try and ignore the interaction and hopefully avoid being seen. Minho walked away quietly to check the info provided, leaving me and the driver in silence.

"Um...sir? Do you mind if I pay my bill and get off here?" I asked as I leaned forward a bit and glanced around at the stores and single restaurant off to the side for a place to stowaway for a while.

"No. Stay in the car, I'll take you to your destination." He said bluntly.

I don't want you to. This car was unsafe enough with you driving it that the police pulled you over. And those policemen happen to be my mates that I'm not even talking to right now.

"I would really like to go, sir..." I mumbled a bit awkwardly as I pulled out my wallet with the intention of paying anyway. Only to get snapped at.

"Stay in the car." He growled, making me tense up a bit.


Right as he snapped at me, Changbin came up to the window. I saw the alpha scoff at the driver for his snapping, while the driver turned his head to glare at Changbin.

"What now?" The driver asked a bit rudely.

"I need you to step out of the car, sir." Changbin said bluntly.

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