Bonus Chapter: Minlix Pt. 1

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It feels like just yesterday I was writing one of my first author notes freaking the fuck out because My Alpha got 6k reads.

And now?

This book just hit 700k reads. (It's been awhile since I started this 😂 Thank you for 765k reads now~)

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of I'm not poly, too. On April 28th of last year, I first published this book. It feels like so long ago but like yesterday at the same time. I don't think that I can ever thank you guys enough for all the sweet words you've shared about this book. I saw not too long ago one of my old notes, around the 30s in this book. I told you guys about my personal feelings about uncompleted books, and how I have those trust issues revolving around them. At that time, I think I was feeling anxious that I wouldn't be able to live up to your expectations, and that I would give up on this book from the fear of it. And I'm glad that I didn't. I'm glad that I completed this story. I'm glad that we completed this story together. It never would've existed if not for you guys. I don't know if I've ever told you guys this before, but some of the points that happened in this story occurred because of some of your opinions in the comments. Some of the later parts of this story were based on some of the opinions I saw from you guys. And you know what?

The minlix fight was a result of some of your opinions.

Not directly. But the chapter or two leading up to that initial fight was driven by comments. I agreed that Felix didn't have much connection to the others other than with sex. I never really focused on the relationship side of this story as much. Each time that I wrote each chunk, generally my thought process was 'okay, everyone is going to want to see Felix have sex with each of the members solo at least once, right? And I imagine that they're gonna want to see some threesomes+ as well. So I need to try and build up tension and deliver'...

But because that was my thought process, a lot of the story tends to rely more on the sex side than the romantic side.

And when I shifted around the 50s to try and make it more romantic, the minlix fight spawned from it.

And that, is what this chapter is about.

Someone asked me to write Minho's POV of the minlix fight.


Here you go~😉

(P.S. because my thought process got off track 😂: Thank you guys for reading this story and unknowingly helping me write it. Your thoughts and opinions changed my own thoughts on this story, and according to you guys, I guess it came out pretty well. So thank you. I love you all❤️)

(Maybe someday I'll bother to read it-- 🤣)


~Minho's POV~

I was drying my hair after a shower when I heard my phone ping. Immediately, I lit up when I heard it, as one of my mates were most likely to be texting me.

FelixBaby00: ❤️❤️❤️

Sweet. It's my newest baby.

(L)Han(EE)Jisung: BABY!

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