Chapter 27

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Thank you for 36k, 37k, 38k and 39k on July 14th, July 15th, July 16th and July 18th~❤️

This chapter is pretty short. Only 1900 words. Sorry, but it's necessary❤️

I love how you guys are eating this story up, but I'm over here avoiding reading this story like the plague. I NEED to. But I don't WANT to. But I need to know the vibe and flow the story has up to the point I'm at. I need to check it for MAJOR plotholes. But I REALLLLYYYY don't wanna read this book bro 😭

Do you guys think that I should make a warning section for this? I've been thinking, I feel like maybe there should be noncon. To clarify, nothing like that explicitly happens. But, there are moments when Felix's consent is questionable. Do you guys think I should make a warning section?

If there are any warnings you think this book needs at any point, please tell me❤️ I'm not good at spotting these things. I don't want anyone uncomfortable with these things to accidentally read if it's truly here. Thanks.


Changbin had to carry me into the house.

Okay, so maybe I was a bit more than a 'little tipsy'. But the alcohol always takes my legs first. And it only hits once I stand.

So I couldn't have known.

But, I was certainly happy.

I giggled as I cuddled close to Changbin, purring as I tucked my nose into his neck. The alpha crooned softly as I clung to him. The alpha wasn't even supporting my body. He held two bags full of take out, so I was left to hang onto him myself. Though I wasn't having any problems with that.

"You're really handsome, hyung." I mumbled in English, before I kissed his cheek. "Really handsome. So handsome. Can I have your pups?" I giggled, making the alpha smile.

"Maybe in the future." He mumbled, making me giggle shyly.

"Okay! I'll think of names!"

"You do that." He mumbled before he pecked my cheek. Meanwhile, I heard a voice behind me.

"You let him get drunk?"

"I knew you'd go easier on him if he was."

I heard a grunt. And a moment later, I felt two hands on my waist. I purred louder at the touch as I was gently pulled off of Changbin, only to be cradled by a different alpha. I tucked my nose into his neck and licked him, leaning my own scent on him before I looked up at the alpha with unfocused eyes, to find Minho was the one holding me.

"Oh, the jerk..." I mumbled, before I purred and kissed Minho. "I'm really scary, huh?" I giggled as I reached a hand to grab a fistful of his hair. "You should be scared." I mumbled, before I kissed him again.

"I'm not scared of you." He grumbled as Changbin walked by us to go and put away the food he had.

"Why not? I'm scary, aren't I? I can be mean." I giggled, before I nuzzled his nose with mine and purred. "Hyung is mean. Every time hyung looks at me, I feel nervous. Do you not like me, hyung?"

"I like you."

"Then why do you always growl at me?" I whined softly. "You're really mean..."

"I'm not mean." Minho grumbled, just as Changbin came back.

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