Chapter 58

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Thank you for 196k and 197k on September 30th, 198k, 199k, 200k, 201k and 202k on October 1st, 203k and 204k on October 2nd, 205k on October 3rd and 206k on October 4th~❤️

This chapter is a transition chapter. It's gonna be short, but it will move the story along.

I hope our baby boy had a good birthday🥰❤️


Before I knew it, a few days had passed. And now, it was my graduation day, and my last day of work with Chan.

And to say that the alpha was sulking...would be a huge understatement.

For once, any mistakes going through on the drinks were done by Chan, and I was the one doing well. He wasn't as diligent as usual, and every time he wasn't helping a customer or making a drink, he was pouting or coming up to me and softly whining at me.

Basically, being adorable and begging me not to leave him without words.

And now, as our shift was over and it was time to get ready for my graduation ceremony, I realized that he wasn't the only one sulking. The moment that I got to see all of my mates just before the ceremony, I was met with a bunch of pouty faces. All of them were very obviously upset that the time for me to leave to Australia had come so soon, and it was adorable that they were all making it clear they would be upset without me here.

So, to try and cheer them up a bit, I gave each of them a kiss before I had to go and see my classmates for the ceremony.

I hope my parents made it here alright, too. They spent all day resting in their hotel room yesterday after their flight had a few delays. Not that I blame them, but I do hope they aren't too tired to make it.

But, my worries were over nothing. Both over my parents making it, and over my mates being so sulky that they couldn't enjoy the ceremony. Because the moment that I stepped foot out of the crowd to deliver my valedictorian speech, I saw my parents and all seven of my mates looking as proud as they could be. Though when my mates--minus Chan--realized that I was the valedictorian, they all brightened up and looked like they were whispering excitedly to each other. At least, until Chan shushed all of them.


And while it was terrifying delivering a speech I had worked on in so little time in front of so many people, I managed.

And then, it was time for us each to accept the diplomas.

The fake ones, anyway. I wouldn't be getting my real diploma until it arrived in the mail...

But I was still as happy as I could be to be handed that piece of rolled up paper. I really wanted to scream the moment that I held it. parents and mates all did it for me. Embarrassingly loud. Like, loud enough that I was almost running back to my place in the crowd of my peers so I wouldn't be in the limelight anymore.

And as surprisingly quickly as the ceremony started, it had ended. Usually looking in on it, it felt like they would drag on. My high school graduation certainly felt that way. But now, as I've finally achieved what I've wanted in life since I knew what a nurse was, it felt like one of the most important moments in my life couldn't have been long enough.

I've finally succeeded.



I was greeted by eight kisses and nine hugs.

One from each of my mates, and one on the cheek from my mother. I giggled about each one, even more when my dad gave me one of his big bear hugs on top of the sweet affection. I purred at each one, unable to control my own excitement. Badly enough that my mom started to lose her mind as she tried to get pictures of me and everyone with me, individually and in a group. I couldn't stop purring, and it seemed like it was contagious, too. Jisung and Jeongin couldn't stop purring as my happiness and excitement effected them too, followed by my alphas crooning too at seeing their omegas looking happy.

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