Chapter 65

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The next morning, I left through the back door and called a taxi to go home. And throughout the day, I ignored all the texts from my mates and just tried to live through my day without bothering with them. I tried to take a lazy day that didn't involve fighting. Even though I'd been the one doing most of the fighting this past week, it felt draining even moment. And I hated that Minho was ignoring me. But now, it felt better to just be alone.

If he really doesn't like me or want me in the relationship, then there's nothing I can do about it.

He could tell me it straight rather than just using me for sex, though.

I know I've been a brat this past week. And I know that I was being mean when I asked for more from him. But does he not care enough about me to even react as I'm actively trying to get him to notice me? Am I unimportant to him?

It didn't matter either way.

For three days, I ignored my mates. Even when occasionally one or two of them would show up at my door and knock, softly begging to come in and see me. I wasn't ready to talk to them again yet. I knew pretty well that they would try and get me to come back to their house. And that was the last thing I wanted to do right now. I didn't want to face Minho. I didn't want to seem him at all.

Even if I missed all of them. Including Minho. I refused to see them right now. I stayed holed up in my apartment, only going out when I felt the need to go job searching. And I would usually only go out when I was sure one of my mates wasn't creeping around outside waiting to catch me coming or going.

Right now was my fourth day being home alone. And the fourth day of me ignoring my mates. I was curled up on the couch, not really doing anything. Just existing with the TV on as white noise. Daydreaming about nothing, when my phone started to ring. Initially, I ignored it. I assumed that it was one of my mates choosing to blow up my phone again. I intended to let it go to voice mail. But after the fifth time that they called, I did start to get a bit annoyed. I opened my eyes and glared at my phone that laid on the coffee table, to see that it was Jeongin that was calling me over and over. And the omega had left a voice mails. I scoffed at it, but reached for my phone to listen to the voice mail.

"Uhh--um--b-baby? I--wait, hyung, stop--" Jeongin's little panicked voice came through the phone, before it was switched to Jisung's voice.

"Baby, we're on our way to the hospital right now. Hyunjin hyung is having some complications with his vasectomy, I don't know. Chan hyung just said that he was talking about some pain while they were alone together at home, and he just called us all that they're at the hospital. We're going to the hospital on nineteenth street if you want to come and see him. Bye, baby." Jisung said in a curt tone.



After the message finished playing, I quickly called Jeongin's number. And just as quickly as I'd dialed it, the omega picked up the phone.

"Hyung?!" He called loudly.

"Baby, what do you mean Hyunjin hyung is in the hospital?" I hissed as I was getting up to put on my shoes.

"Chan hyung just called us and told us. We don't know much either, but...Chan hyung said that they were there for awhile. I think something happened with his vasectomy and he has an infection, I don't know..." Jeongin whimpered softly. "Is hyung gonna be okay...?"

"Depends." I mumbled vaguely as I flew out the door of my apartment, barely taking the time to lock it as I ran out to flag down a taxi. "I'm coming. I'll be there soon."

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