Chapter 28

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I'll give you guys a second update since the previous chapter was so short. But in return, can you guys harass me and make sure I don't forget that I have a bonus chapter to write? 😂


The next morning, I woke up to soft growling.

I instinctively whimpered at the sound, but the growls continued. The sound was right in my ear, with another noise right behind it--the sound of my phone.

I scrunched my nose and cracked my eyes open, taking a moment to comprehend what was happening. Minho was the one growling, and seemed to be growling because my phone kept going off. Meanwhile, Changbin was still asleep, having no trouble sleeping through my phone.

I groaned softly and sat up to lean over Minho and grab my phone, not really looking at who it was before I answered the call.

"Hello?" I mumbled raspily into the phone.

"Are you still in bed?!" My mother's angry voice blasted through the phone in English, making me gasp.

"M-Ma?!" I sputtered, shooting up into a sitting position and waking up Changbin and Minho in the process as I quickly spoke in English too. "No, I'm not still in bed--"

"Then video call me. I want to see my son."

"Uh--" I looked back at Minho and Changbin with wide eyes, seeing how both alphas were watching me with mirroring scoffs, clearly upset that I had woken them up. "Hang on, give me a minute--" I mumbled in Korean.

"Why do you need a minute?" She grumbled back in English.

"I'm not dressed..." I answered honestly. "Just give me a minute!" I whined in Korean.

"Boy I was the one wiping your shitty ass and bathing you for years! You think I don't know what you look like?! You were the result of my hard work! Now let me see my only baby boy's face! I haven't seen you in months!" She snapped in Korean.

I blushed embarrassedly at her words as Minho and Changbin both snickered softly behind me, earning glares from me. I slapped both of them on the chest and pushed them a bit. I covered the speaker on my phone and hissed softly at them. "Go away! If my mom sees you two, she's going to kill me!"

"Mm? I'm not moving." Minho grumbled, before he moved to cuddle with Changbin. "Go to the bathroom or something."

I hissed softly at them, before I crawled out of bed. I ignored the soft grope on my ass as I crawled off the bed, ignoring my mom's ranting on the phone about why it didn't matter if she saw me naked or not.

"Speak English!" I hissed back at her.


"MA!" I whined as I stumbled my way to the bathroom, grabbing a pair of underwear on the way--I think Changbin's--though I had no idea when the alpha had discarded them. I went into the bathroom and fought to put the random pair of boxers on, before I shut the door and sat up against the cabinets, obediently video calling my mother.

"About time!" She hissed in English.

"If you were so desperate to video call me, then why didn't you request it yourself?" I whined softly back.

"I don't know how." She grumbled. "But I don't want to talk about that. I think we have some other things to discuss."

"Like what?" I mumbled as I ran my fingers through my messed up bed hair. "Why did you call me out of the blue anyway?"

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