Chapter 2

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I'm gonna pretend like I didn't just accidentally publish chapter 10 and give you guys a second chapter. This was the 4th time I've ever done it--

I'm also gonna act like I didn't forget to publish this one after accidentally publishing the other one 😂

I'm thinking I might go ahead and make this an ongoing thing. I'm just trying to decide how frequently I want to update. The least I can do is every 3 days like I did with AOIO, but I'm thinking I might go up to 4, maybe 5 instead so I have more leeway time for writing. I don't want to do anymore than 5, cause I know that would drive me crazy having to wait that long to update again. It's only been 1 day since I published this (when I'm writing this note anyway) and I'm already losing my mind wanting to publish the next chapter 😅 so we'll see. I'd like to write a bit more before I even consider doing every 3 days again. AOIO was an enigma. I usually can't do that with a book lol. But we'll see. Maybe I can swing every 4-5 days.


I'm really not sure what to expect at this point.

It's been nearly two weeks since I confessed to Chan. And today was our first day working together after that. I was nervous and awkward as hell the entire time, and I'm sure I messed up quite a few orders today because I was so nervous to have Chan so close. But the entire time, the alpha never faltered. He acted like not a thing happened. The only hint he gave that it all was even real, was the occasional smile or wink he would send me.

Which really didn't help me focus at all.

Now, as the day ended, I went into the back, before I went in to change out of my uniform. I set my bag and my freshly made drink on the table in the middle of the room, before starting to quickly change so I could leave.

Just as I unbuttoned my uniform shirt and let it fall open, the door to the dressing room opened. I looked over at the door curiously, only to blush when I saw that it was Chan coming in.

"Hey." He said simply as he shut the door behind himself and went over to his locker.

"H-Hey..." I stuttered softly, a bit nervous to take off my shirt now with him so close to me. But clearly, my presence didn't bother him one bit. He unbuttoned his own shirt without hesitance and took it off, revealing some impressive muscles.

Oh my god--

I gulped, quickly averting my eyes away from his muscles before I slowly took off my own shirt. Beneath, was my pale pinkish skin and soft belly.

The contrast between an alpha male and omega male is kind of embarrassing...

Why is he so ripped, while I'm so soft? It's not fair...

"Did you hear me?"

I let out surprised gasp when I heard Chan's voice. I dropped my shirt as my head whipped over to look at him with wide eyes.

"W-What?" I sputtered softly.

"I'll take that as a no." He mumbled with a smile as he put his shirt on. "I asked if you had changed your mind. I talked to my mates, and they said they were okay with us trying to incorporate a new mate in if you wanted to try."



"So did you?" He asked as he picked up my shirt and tried to give it to me. I extended a shaky hand to try and take it, but I only dropped it again. He let out a soft chuckle and picked it up again, before he rolled it up a bit in his hands and started to put it on me himself. My breath hitched, but I obediently slipped my arms through the holes as he prompted me, before he pulled the shirt down over my torso. But even as the shirt was on me, his hands rested on my hips. And he didn't move them even as I stared up at him awkwardly.

"I haven't..." I mumbled softly. "I'm still not interested in a poly relationship. I've already told you that..."

"And I said that you should at least try it out before you assume you don't like it." He retorted, before he let go of my hips and started unbuckling his belt. My eyes immediately flitted down to his working hands, before back up at his knowing smile.

"I know I won't like it. I don't want it." I mumbled softly.

He slid his belt out of it's loops, before he unbuttoned his pants. "You really don't want it?" He asked as he unzipped his pants. My eyes flew down as I heard the noise, before I looked up at him with wide eyes.

He gave me a smile, before he took off his pants. But even as he moved, my eyes stayed trained on his veiny hands and arms and where they were in relation to the bulge in his pants.

Is he hard, or is he that big?

"You know." He mumbled, as he stepped closer to me. His hands took their place on my hips again, before he gently pulled me closer to him. "You're pretty obvious, babe."

I shivered as the alpha leaned down and blew cold air on my ear. I let out a soft whimper, just as I started to notice a little bit of slick starting to pool in my uniform pants. And he could definitely smell that arousal.

"Y-You're being mean, s-sunbaenim--"

"Hyung, Felix. Call me hyung." He mumbled in my ear, before he gently took my hand. He slowly guided my palm, until my hand was rubbing up against the bulge in his underwear. I tensed and silently listened as he let out a low growl in my ear. He guided my hand at first, but just as soon as he made me touch him, he let go of my hand. But my hand never left his crotch. With a shaky, excited hand, I lightly stroked the alpha until he had plumped up against my fingertips. My eyes wandered hesitantly up to his, to find him watching me with a pair of amber eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want to try it out?" He asked as he stepped closer to me, backing me up into my locker. "I promise I'll be gentle with you."

I swallowed thickly, staring up at the alpha with wide eyes. But his words made me pull away and curl into myself.

"N-No..." I mumbled softly. "I'm not...interested..."

The mischief in Chan's eyes seemed to fade once I'd properly rejected his advances. He seemed disappointed, but he didn't push me. He backed away from me and grabbed his clothes off the floor, stuffing them back into his locker with a little huff.

"Okay. Sorry." He mumbled simply as he continued changing.

I nodded awkwardly, unsure of what to say or make of what the hell had just happened.

I confessed nearly two weeks ago. And we aren't together, but he just tried to initiate...I don't even know what with me.

What the hell was that?

He's gonna give me a heart attack like this!

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