Chapter 8

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I just woke up sksksk that's why I'm updating so late. I wanted to update when I woke up so the days that I post these will be more towards my sleep schedule rather than updating before I go to sleep and confusing myself with the days and stuff. So sorry it's later in the day ❤️


~Felix's POV~

I never called Jisung. And despite me giving him my number with my text to him, he never called me. So when I went to work today, I was a bit paranoid. I had, in a way, antagonized the other omega with that picture I'd sent, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if he came in to harass me today. Even if it weren't because I didn't call him.

And like I thought, he showed up at around eleven, just as business was starting to slow down a bit before the lunch rush. Chan and I were, surprisingly, out of orders. So when he came in, he had the option of Chan or me to go to to get his order taken. But the omega completely ignored Chan, even after he'd said a soft 'hello' to his mate.

"Hi." I mumbled awkwardly, ignoring Chan as he kept his eyes locked on us.

"Iced americano." He mumbled without a word as he fished in his wallet for his card.

"Okay." I mumbled back, obediently taking the order. I motioned with my head for Chan to go and make the drink while I rung it up. The alpha quickly went to go and make the americano while Jisung paid.

"Call me later." Jisung mumbled softly as his eyes flew to Chan's turned back. "I want to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you." I admitted honestly.

His eyes flitted up to me. "Please? It's not to terrorize you or anything. I just...wanted an omega to talk to."

"You have another omega mate that you can talk to. You don't have to talk to me." I pointed out, though I was a little confused at his behavior. I looked over my shoulder to see Chan slowly making the drink, much slower than he usually would. Which made me wonder if he was listening in to our conversation.

"I already talked to Jeongin. But I want to talk to another omega, too. From an outside perspective. It's not like I can just go around talking about my love life with anyone. It's looked down on to us. So...since you already know, I thought I'd ask you to listen. But if you don't want to that badly, then...thanks. Oh well." He sighed, before he walked away from the register without another word. And just as soon as we stopped talking, Chan took Jisung's drink to him.

"I don't want it." He mumbled to the alpha, before he walked away from the store.

The alpha scoffed, before he sighed and set the drink on the counter.

"Did you two fight or something?" I asked as I looked up at him.

He slid the drink over to me. "Something like that. You can have this. I don't drink coffee, and it's a waste to throw it out." He mumbled, before he walked passed me and to the back.

I scoffed as he fled away from me. I was immensely curious what it could be that they'd argued about, but I didn't know how to ask him about it without seeming too nosy. Like Jisung had said, I was still an outsider. He probably wouldn't take too kindly to me prying even if I weren't, though.

I spent the last bit of our shift together handling the orders here and there that came in while I enjoyed the return on that coffee I'd bought Jisung yesterday. Chan had gone into the back for quite a while, but returned without a word the moment I called for him. I had no idea what he'd been doing, but I didn't like it either way.

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