Epilogue Pt. 1

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I specifically went looking for an edit of Hyunjin with freckles for this chapter. You'll see why soon❤️


When it was time to go, it was time to go.

All seven of my mates were in a pure panic when I went into labor a few months later. Especially when they realized that I was having contractions every two minutes. Considering I had nursing knowledge and knew it was fine, choosing to just breathe through them and casually nudge Hyunjin awake at two AM later to tell him that I was ready to go and have our pup.

Talk about a hell of a wake up call.

He screamed. Bloody murder, just like I had the first time I saw him naked in the kitchen. Though he didn't pass out, thankfully, but he woke the entire house and they came running. Just as panicked as he was, even though Hyunjin was the only one that knew the reason for the panic. I calmly sat up in Hyunjin's bed, casually mentioning that I was in labor, and set the rest of them off even more.

And while Hyunjin didn't pass out at the news...Seungmin did. Shockingly, not really the one I would have expected that from. But the others didn't seem so worried about him when he hit the floor. Chan, who looked terrified and excited, and Changbin who was probably used to emergency situations from being a police officer, both stepped over Seungmin's body in the doorway to come to me as Hyunjin was shitting bricks from terror in the corner of his room, while Minho was tensing up, letting out protective growls and soft whimpers as his instincts must have overwhelmed the poor alpha in this situation.

"Come here, baby. Put your arms up, I'll carry you." Chan said as Changbin was grabbing some things he thought I'd need while we were at the hospital, quickly followed by Jisung and Jeongin who had been frozen for a few moments.

I grunted as I lifted my arms up, letting my oldest alpha pick me up. He scooped me up carefully and cradled me in his arms, carrying me out of the room as the others quickly followed after us with a filled back. Though Hyunjin and Minho both had to be nudged by a worried Jeongin, the youngest got them to get moving with us, though Minho stopped to get Seungmin off the floor and carried his unconscious body along to the car.

Changbin was surprisingly lenient as Chan drove a bit like a maniac to the hospital. Though he was also focused on me, crooning as I calmly tried breathing through my contractions, as the reality of the situation hadn't fully hit me yet. I was grateful for the alpha's hand to hold as he gave me little loving, comforting touches to try and distract me from my pain. And while he was just as distracted, it gave Chan the chance to speed us over to the hospital.

When we got there, Chan and Changbin both jumped out to help me out, while Hyunjin was frozen in terror in the back back seat with Minho and Seungmin next to him. Jisung and Jeongin nervously crawled out of their spots and got out of the way as Chan and Changbin handled me, one getting the bag and the other getting me. I let out a soft whimper of pain when Chan picked me up, and the sound set all three of my other conscious alphas off. Changbin, Minho and Hyunjin all instinctively snarled at Chan like he had been the one to hurt me, though each one was quickly followed by nervous whines at the situation. Chan didn't react to any of them, though I did notice him choking down a snarl back as he barked at Jisung and Jeongin to stay close to the alphas. Then, he looked back at the car just as Hyunjin was crawling out, but Minho made no moves.

"I'm staying with Seungmin." Minho mumbled. "I don't want him to be alone when he wakes up."

"Okay. I'll text you updates, okay baby?" Chan said, before he walked away with me without an answer as Hyunjin shut the door. Hyunjin quickly ran after Chan and I to be by my side, while Changbin corralled the other two omegas, having them both hold onto his shirt so he could keep track of them if one let go.

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