Chapter 80

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So anyway--

About that preview, should I add it as a part of the last chapter, 83 Pt. 2, I mean? Hmm?


When we all left the house, I was a little suspicious.

Of Jisung and Jeongin, I mean.

They were giggling and being secretive as we went to Jisung's car, and I was getting more and more confused as I crawled into the backseat. They both had weird smiles on their faces, weird enough that it was hard to ignore. I eyed them both suspiciously, but neither of them gave on to what they kept giggling about.

So I chose to accept my ignorant fate.

When we got to the movie theater though, I realized what was up. We went right in, as Jisung showed a QR code to an employee and we went right to our private room. As soon as we were seated, ads started to play. Jeongin guarded the popcorn so it actually lasted through the movie, while they both curled up in the loveseat chair they'd chosen in the back.

As it got dark, they both got quiet. When the ads finished, the movie played. And I forgot all about their suspicious behavior.

Even when I felt both of them place a hand on a thigh, I didn't pay any mind to them. I was focused on the movie. Though I did look towards them, the room was dark enough, and the movie was on a night scene, so I couldn't see either of their faces. So I wrote it off as them both getting touchy.

"Are you getting cold?"

I jumped when I heard a whisper in my ear. Jeongin smiled at me when I jumped, before he showed me a large blanket in his bag.

"Um..." I scrunched my nose. "Yeah, a little, I guess."

Without another word, he took the blanket out of his bag and spread the large blanket out over us. The blanket easily covered us up to our necks as we snuggled together, food and drinks forgotten as we purred and watched the movie. And for awhile, I zoned out again to focus on the movie.

Until a few minutes later, when I felt a hand gently brush over my crotch.

I tensed up at the touch and looked towards who I thought was the culprit--Jisung. He smiled a little at me when I looked at him, and his hand moved.

"Sorry." He whispered. "Where's your hand, baby? I want to hold it."

I furrowed my brows at him, but moved my hand to his to hold. Then, I looked back at the movie.

Not even a minute later though, I felt another hand gently brush over my crotch. This time, from Jeongin. He gave me a little surprised smile when I rose an eyebrow at him, softly apologized, and looked at the movie.

What the hell?

I scrunched my nose at him, before I moved my hand to hold his too. He accepted it with a little smile, but didn't take his eyes off of the movie.

A few minutes later, Jisung rested his head on my shoulder and started to purr. I purred back.

Another few minutes later, Jeongin snuggled closer to me and started to purr too.

I purred back for both of them. And after a good twenty or so minutes passed by with them doing nothing but watching the movie, I completely forgot about their prior behavior.

Until I felt a gentle brush over my crotch again.

This time, from both of them. I frowned at them both, looking between them with a confused expression, but neither of them looked at me. Both had a blank expression.

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