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Both wasn't an option when I asked you guys what you wanted 😃 but...

😮‍💨 I love you guys.

Anyway, since there's no real moment where their entire story is properly told, here's the ENTIREEEE story, properly told lol.

It's mentioned about what happened, but there's not room for me to fit every little detail into the main story. So, here's the tea guys. I hope you like the drama lol.

This takes place in the month of time from when Seungmin became mates with the others, and the time before Jeongin became their mate too, when Jisung and Jeongin were just friends and Seungmin and Jeongin were still iffy--going into the mess that became their backstory.

🍿🍿🍿Have some and buckle the fuckle up, cause this is over 13k words! 😃


~Jeongin's POV~

"You have a crush on someone?!"

"Announce it to the entire coffee house, why don't you!"


Jisung giggled softly to himself as I blushed a bit embarrassedly, giving him the side eye as I bowed a bit awkwardly to the people looking over at us. The other omega purred with amusement at me, before he jumped up from his side of our booth to come sit next to me.

"So who is it? What are they like?" Jisung asked quickly with his usual nosy grin. "Have I met them?"

"Umm..." I smiled a bit embarrassedly. "W-Well,'ve met him. He's a bit complicated, so...I don't really know how to describe him. Um--"

"Oh! A guy?! Is it that guy we met at the bar? He was so all over you! Did you give him your number?! And you didn't tell me?!" Jisung screeched excitedly.

"No no--" I sputtered. "He was just looking for a quick fuck. I didn't want my virginity to go like that, hyung." I pouted, but my dismissal of his thought just made him more excited.

"Then who?!"

I whined softly at his insistence. "I don't wanna tell! Look, if it goes anywhere serious, then...I'll talk. But until then--"

"Do you need help snagging him? Ooh! I have experience! Let's go shopping, we'll get you some juicy clothes he won't be able to resist! Come on!"

"I--" My eyes widened as the other omega yanked me out of our booth, forgetting our coffee as he quickly drug me out the door of the coffee shop. "H-Hyung--!"

"Come on!"





Why does this feel awkward...?

I ran my fingers through my hair nervously and played with it as I looked over the budget in front of me, while Seungmin stared down at it too, a lot closer to me than I was comfortable with.

I hope I'm not blushing...

"Is that enough...?" I asked nervously as my eyes flitted up to the alpha, before back down at the three hundred dollars I had set aside in the budget for Seungmin to get a better camera.

He scrunched his nose at me. "Not really. The one I'm using now costed more."


I bit my lip, before I licked them and began to write on a blank sheet of paper, trying to draw up a new budget to offer him more money for a new camera, as the one he has is beginning to run down.

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