Chapter 70

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I've got a job interview in an hour and a half and I'm freaking out a bit, so I'm just gonna casually upload against anything I've told you guys before. I have some questions at the end of the chapter. Enjoy.

Also, you guys failed the challenge 😊 Oh well sksksk


Jisung and I didn't really talk a whole lot that morning. Though Jisung did cozy up to my belly pretty quickly and purr softly, damn near soothing me to sleep. And I did fall asleep for about an hour, before I was woken up to soft kisses from Jisung and Jeongin, who must have raided the room while I was napping in Jisung's arms.

"Hyung is done cooking breakfast." Jeongin said with a little smile at me as my eyes cracked open. "Come eat, okay?"

I groaned softly at him, just as Chan came walking into the room. The alpha took one look at me whining and came over to gently scoop me up out of bed. I whined, shivering as he pulled me out of a blanket cocoon, but went limp in his arms and obediently stayed still as he carried me to the table, with Jeongin and Jisung following from behind.

As Chan carried me out of the hall and towards the table, I spotted Hyunjin and Seungmin both sitting at the table, wrapped in blankets and with thermometers sticking out of their mouths and the most annoyed expressions possible on their faces. I giggled softly at the two alphas, earning glances from them, only for them to both tense up when they saw me--particularly my baby bump that was easier to see while my shirt was still pushed up from earlier.

"Don't look at him like that." Chan scolded as he set me down across from the two, fixing my shirt so the alphas couldn't see my belly anymore. Then, he walked around the table to peck both of the alphas on the forehead before he took the thermometers from their mouths and glanced at the temperatures.

"What is it?" I asked as Jeongin and Jisung both sat down next to me.

"Seungmin is 101.4 and Hyunjin is 100.7." Chan mumbled as he gently kissed Hyunjin's forehead, giving the alpha a little hug.

"That's not bad." I mumbled. "How long have they been having fevers for?"

"Hyunjin's has been for two days and Seungmin's has been for three. They've both had two though. Hyunjin has an appointment to go and get his vasectomy reversed next week. They've both got a checkup tomorrow, too." Chan said as he went to the kitchen to bring out the food. "They've both been having really bad diarrhea and Seungmin hasn't been keeping anything down very well."

"He's vomiting?" I asked as I looked at Hyunjin, who was avoiding my gaze.

"Yeah. Every meal he takes after his medicine, he throws it up."

"He's supposed to take it before he eats. What have you been giving him?" I asked, just as the alpha laid down a plate full of eggs with a box of cereal and a gallon of milk, along with some orange juice. I paused for a moment as I stared at the meal with pure horror, before I looked up at Chan. "They can't have this, hyung..."

"Why?" Chan asked with wide eyes.

"Dairy makes amoxicillin less effective. They can't have that orange juice either. Too much acid. That's probably why they're not doing too well." I mumbled as I got off of my chair to go to the kitchen. Chan followed me to the kitchen as I checked their refrigerator, looking around a bit for something for Hyunjin and Seungmin to eat, before I looked back at the counter. I spotted some fruits and bread, before I pointed at it. "Toast with some bananas on it will work."

"Banana toast?" Chan mumbled as he went over to it. "Okay. Go eat, baby. I'll make them some."

"Okay." I said, but I didn't go immediately. I got Seungmin and Hyunjin both some water first, before I went back to the table and replaced their juice with water. Both alphas kept quiet as I came close to them, but unlike what I had expected, I got a little curious rub on the waist as I was moving away, and when I looked back, I saw it was from Hyunjin. I gave the alpha a little smile, but he had a blank expression on his face. He averted his gaze when I looked at him, but I ignored it and leaned in to peck his cheek. I purred at him, before I went back to my chair.

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