Chapter 39

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Thank you for 79k and 80k on August 15th and 81k on August 16th and 82k and 83k on August 17th~❤️


So let's just be honest with each other for a minute here...




I have nothing to read. I mean, I know I have 193 unread books sitting in my library, but I have nothing to read. You know that feeling? There's just so little options and none of them are scratching that itch.

Seriously though, how many books do you guys just have sitting in your library labeled 'I'm gonna read that...eventually'...? But it's been there for like...3 years.


That's my entire library.

And...I think it's finally time to peruse it.

Praise me for delving into the place most wattpadders never even touch 💀 It's time to give those books I literally only read the summary of...a fair chance.


Edit: I found a book I liked and am reading~ 😆 better yet, it's from my library~~ sksksk

Edit edit: I finished it~~ yay~~ and now I'm gonna try and read again a book I've tried to read and finish 3 times now and failed. It's so good but I keep getting distracted and forgetting about it 😥 I'll see how it goes this time...


Not so long after Hyunjin and I had settled down to cuddle, Changbin had raided the room to see if it was time to dye our hair or not. So, my cuddling session with Hyunjin was cut short.

That being said, we did end up finishing up our dye jobs. And with Changbin spotting dark blue hair and me sporting blonde, we had finally completed our mission.

And my god does Changbin look handsome with blue hair.

Needless to say, everyone else was all over their mate the moment they saw him. And I'm pretty sure Changbin got laid pretty good that night.

Though while he got special treatment, I ended up going home pretty early. So while they acted like they intended to fawn over me too, instead, I went home, courtesy of Chan for taking me.

And now, it was time for me to begin the first day of my last two weeks working at the coffee shop.

Chan was moping around quite a bit and followed me around from the moment I handed in my two weeks notice. He was noticeably upset, and I admit that it was cute seeing him whining. But, it couldn't change my decision in the end.

We've already talked about this, and I've already set it into motion. There's no going back now.

So, I just tried my best to be cheeky and sweet to the alpha as we worked our shift.

"I'm gonna miss you..." He mumbled with a little pout as we stepped into the dressing room after our shift. "This is like the only time I can truly have you just to myself and you're leaving me..."

"I just got my degree, hyung. I have to go out and use it, or my work will be for nothing." I mumbled with a little smile. "Don't be sad. You can still see me around."

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