Chapter 74

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Thank you for 262k, 263k, 264k, 265k, 266k, 267k, 268k and 269k on October 19th and 270k on October 20th~❤️

Do you think Felix has redeemed himself any in this story? Or do you guys still hate his character just as much as you must have since Chapter 10, when he hurt Jisung's feelings and called the poly relationship disgusting? Remember that?

What's your opinion on Felix's character at this point in the story? The opinions I see most still hate Felix, and most seem to never care about his own hardships in this relationship, or how he may feel. The Minho fight revealed at much 😅 what's your explicit opinion on him?

Next update is on October 23rd.


Hyunjin went home a few hours later. But within the hour, he was back with a bag, claiming that Jisung had murder in his eyes when he told the others the plan, and didn't feel safe at home. So we ended up cuddled together on the couch again before long, both doing our own thing in each other's presence. And after a while, Hyunjin gently whispered to me that the appointment was set.

Hearing it, I wasn't sure what to feel. I wasn't angry or sad, and I certainly wasn't happy. But...the news about it didn't really sink in.

At least, not until a few days later and I was walking into the clinic with Hyunjin. The alpha, god knows why, made two appointments. I wasn't entirely sure why, but...after we both went into the room together, I understood.

He wanted me to be educated on abortion. To learn how other omegas felt after their abortion, everything to ask yourself before really going through with the procedure, coping methods after the abortion, and...

A video of an abortion.

Hyunjin was eerily silent through the entire thing as we were gently drilled on everything by...probably a therapist. She thoroughly explained each feeling in great detail, and made sure that both of us understood the big decision we'd be making in this. And...before we left, she did an ultrasound for me. One that both Hyunjin and I didn't expect.

She showed us the pup. Moving, breathing, heartbeat and everything. She gave me pictures. She even went as far as to estimate how far I was: two months and one week along. So...nine weeks in. Almost halfway through. Over a third of a way to being a parent.

It was almost like a giant therapy session to dissuade us from aborting the pup. And when we left, both of us were quiet as I clutched the sonograms of our pup in my hands, quietly staring down at them as he drove us back to my apartment.


It's...real now, isn't it?

Seeing the pup like that...

I still had the pup. And by the second, I was getting more and more depressed at the idea of losing it. Everyone knew. All of my mates supported the decision. Even Jisung accepted it, when I told him it was my own choice. But...the thing is, I wasn't sure if it was really my choice. Or if I had even made a choice in the first place.

Hyunjin and I had already made plans.

That after the pup was gone, he would eventually propose to me. That we would be together for the rest of our lives, I guess. That he would help me get over the abortion, and everything would be okay after a while. I wasn't sure how true that could be. But now as we were both silent, both letting the weight of the decision sink in, neither of us seemed certain of anything.

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