Chapter 81

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Am I spamming you? Lol.

I think I'm out of new Hyunjin pics, so look at my grandparent's cat being upset I was leaving instead.

His name is Hoochie.

It means slut.


The next day, I got to do something fun.

After taking care of Changbin and putting the hungover alpha back to sleep the next morning, Jeongin invited me to come to work with him, Jisung and Seungmin.

And I mean, who was I to refuse?

So now, I was curled up in Seungmin's arms as Jeongin dressed Jisung in a hell of a sexy outfit, watching quietly as Jeongin suited him up. Seungmin quietly bounced me on his leg as we both observed, keeping his arms wrapped tight around me protectively until it was time for him to get to work.

"He's ready." Jeongin said as he looked at Seungmin.

"Mm." Seungmin hummed, before he gently nudged me so I would get up. I pouted, but obediently stood up so Seungmin could get to work. I curiously followed after the three as they left the room, arriving next door at a dimly lit room with bright lights on the other half. I looked around a bit in awe at all the equipment there was, while Seungmin directed Jisung into the brightly lit area, where a lone chair was facing away from us. Jisung straddled the chair and leaned forward onto it, resting his elbow on the wooden frame and resting his hand against his lips. Automatically, the omega was in his modeling mindset.


I watched with slightly wide eyes as Seungmin and Jisung worked, with Seungmin directing Jisung and Jisung effortlessly following everything the alpha said.

"You look beautiful." Seungmin mumbled, probably more to himself as Jisung shifted once again.

"Thank you, baby boy." Jisung said with a little smirk. "I'm glad you like me."

"Stop talking." Seungmin grumbled, earning a soft giggle from Jisung.

"I love you too, babe." He said as he sat properly in his chair, letting his arms fall over the back of the chair as he turned his head to look back at Seungmin with a teasing smirk. That Seungmin did not like.

The alpha started to softly growl at him, but continued taking pictures. And Jisung continued to change positions.

"Liking what you see?" A soft whisper came into my ear, making me shiver a bit and turn my head to look at my third mate behind me.

"Yes." I mumbled honestly. "He looks really handsome."

"Yeah?" Jeongin mumbled back as he wrapped his arms around me from behind and leaned in to kiss my cheek. "Anytime you want to, you're welcome to come up here with us to watch Jisung hyung work. When he really gets into the mood, he's insanely hot." He mumbled with a soft purr as his eyes drifted over to Jisung.

"Why did you invite me to come today anyway?" I asked as my eyes fell to his lips, wishing that he'd kissed my lips instead of my cheek.

"Just felt like it. Plus it'll make it easier for us to get you to your appointment for the pup later." He said with a little smile. "But I also wanted to make things up to you."

"About what?" I asked with a frown.

"Us playing with you in the theater last night." He mumbled. "Did we make you uncomfortable, baby? I'm sorry if we did."

"No, it's okay. I mean, I wasn't super thrilled about it,'s fine. I was a little embarrassed and scared we'd get caught, but otherwise, I was fine. You don't have to apologize."

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