Chapter 22

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Thank you for 19k, 20k and 21k on June 25th, June 26th and June 27th~❤️

Jeongin is having fun reminding me why he's the one I chose to call my bias. Look at that motherfucker and tell me that he isn't the most gorgeous person in existence. I'll wait.

But anyway, if there are a lot of typos towards the middle to end of this chapter, sorry 💀 I had to rewrite that half of this stupid chapter from my old phone to my new one, and my old phone didn't have internet. So I had to COMPLETELY retype it all. And I got sick of typing. My hands were hurting. So I started to voice talk, and it was starting to go faster. But...

Apparently my southern accent and voice text doesn't mix well 😂 I was fixing it as I went, but I may have missed some stuff. Sorry. I have a lot of other editing to do that I need to do before I forget, so I'm not going to go back through the entire half of the chapter for it. It shouldn't be that bad. Sksksk.

I am glad that I noticed half the stupid chapter missing though 💀 that would have pissed me off so bad if I got to this chapter to publish and yall started commenting about the abrupt end. Cause the chapter wasn't saved to this new phone in the middle of a fucking word, in the middle of a fucking chapter. It would have been so obvious 😂 and I would have had to fix it while y'all wait. This took me an hour to rewrite, too. FUCK.


After that night, Chan had taken me home to suffer my heat alone, as per my request. And within the next couple of hours, my heat had sprung up. So before I knew it, a couple of days had passed and I hadn't seen any of the others. And admittedly, I did miss a few of them. Not just Chan, like I kind of expected. A part of me was desperate to just talk to any of them, even if it was one I didn't really know. I was bored for the entire time I was alone, and it really upset my omega side.

So, when I finally got to go back to work, I was ready to kiss Chan the moment I saw him. And the moment I laid eyes on the alpha, I grabbed his hand tight and spun him around, before I stood on my toes and kissed him. Even if it meant cutting him off mid sentence as he was talking to Eunbin. I really didn't care. The alpha looked surprised when I kissed him so out of the blue, but he responded with a croon and kissed back. Both of us ignored the shocked Eunbin right behind Chan as we kissed, until I was satisfied and Chan was looking cheeky at receiving my affection.

"I missed you." I mumbled softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I missed you too." He mumbled back with a grin.

"Hello?! Are you forgetting about me?!" Eunbin whined from behind Chan, but both of us continued to ignore her. Chan leaned down and pecked my lips, smiling against my lips before he pulled away to softly hiss at Eunbin. And upon peeking around him, I found that she was tugging at his apron.

"Stop it. I literally just told you that I wanted some boundaries between us." He growled, making me scoff.

"You'll force boundaries with me but not him?" She hissed exasperatedly. "I already told you that I don't give a shit if you have a bunch of boyfriends or whatever! Not even about the omegas! You're trialing him into your relationship, so why not me?!"

"I've already explained to you why." Chan grumbled, before he pecked my forehead and huffed softly as he embraced me. "My other mates are gay. They don't like girls, so we only add boys into our relationship."

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