Chapter 73

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Posting again to stop the father debate on discord 💀


In two days time, I had the results in hand for all four of my alphas. Each of them were at work besides Hyunjin, even Seungmin as his fever had come down. So I had went back home, considering Hyunjin seemed a bit afraid of me right now and I didn't want to bother the alpha more than I already had.

That being said, when I let the alphas know that I had the results, suddenly all of them had a lunch break to come and see the results.

All seven of them showed up at my apartment before I even got there myself. Minho and Changbin were both quickly eating food they must have picked up, Chan wore his apron and was covered in whipped cream and syrup, and Jisung was wearing a suit, probably one he'd been modeling. It was hard to not giggle at my frazzled mates as I came in.

I didn't even get the chance to open and see the results myself before Jisung had snatched all four reports and plopped down on the coffee table, opening the first one impatiently.

"Don't rip it, baby." I said as I went to kiss his forehead.

He ignored me and tore into the first report. He glanced over it quickly, before he threw the paper aside and grabbed the next one.

"Seungmin isn't the dad." He mumbled as he was opening the next report.

I heard a relieved huff from Seungmin in the background as Jisung opened the next paper.

"Changbin hyung isn't the dad."

Changbin didn't even look away from his food to acknowledge it. I guess he'd already been certain it wasn't his.

That left Chan and Minho. Minho did stop eating to wait for the results, as whichever one it was, it was sure to give the answer either way.

Chan and Minho both had their eyes trained on the paper in Jisung's hands as he opened the third report.

"Chan hyung isn't the dad." He said, as he glanced at Chan. A little smile grew on Jisung's face like he was relieved, but Minho looked like he was not happy about it. Despite us all knowing that Minho had to be the father then, Jisung went on to open the last report. Only for him to pause and furrow his brows as he stared at it.

"Minho hyung...isn't the dad?" He mumbled, catching everyone's attention.

"But he's the last alpha?" Jeongin mumbled as he came over to look at the reports, while I was looking over his shoulder confusedly.

"But they were all negative?" Jisung mumbled as he looked back at the papers, as did Jeongin and I. And all four papers clearly stated they were negative. And suddenly, all eyes were on me.

"Babe...?" Jisung mumbled with a smile. "Who all have you had sex with?" He asked as his eyes were darkening a bit.

"You guys?" I mumbled softly. "You're the only one I haven't with."

"Anyone else?"

"Um..." I frowned at him. "Are you suggesting that I cheated on you?"

When the word 'cheated' passed my lips, everyone in the room seemed to get uncomfortable. Seungmin and Jeongin both avoided everyone else's gazes, while Jisung was staring at me with very hard eyes.

"Did you?" He asked in a strained voice.

"Of course I didn't." I hissed softly. "I don't know why the reports are negative, but I've only ever mated with the people in this room."

"Then why are the paternity reports negative?"

"I just told you I don't know." I mumbled as my eyes fell. "I doubt they're wrong. Maybe..." My eyes drifted over to Hyunjin, who tensed up under my gaze. He wasn't looking at me, but I think he already knew why I was looking at him.

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