Chapter 1

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Just as a preview~


~Felix's POV~

"I...really like you, so..."

Oh god.

How the hell did I get myself into this situation?

Did I really practice a month for this moment?

And why is he just staring at me like that?!

I gulped as I slowly looked up at the alpha. He was staring down at me with a curious gaze, like he was trying to process what I was saying.

I'm gonna have to switch to a new job after this! How the hell could I ask my sunbae to be my boyfriend?! I'm crazy!

"You like me?"

My nerves spiked the moment that he spoke. He hadn't said a thing to me, even when I'd ran up to him. I had immediately stared to confess in the parking lot, before he even stopped walking.

"Y-Yes..." I mumbled with a blush, looking down at my feet with folded hands.

He didn't respond to me right away. He seemed to be trying to piece together was to say, which just made me more nervous.

If he were going to say yes, would he have said it by now?

The next thing I knew, he was closer to me. The alpha gently tilted my head up by my chin, with a single fingertip. He stared down into my eyes, before his eyes wandered down over my blush and newly fidgeting hands.

"I'm already in a relationship." He mumbled, as he stepped back from me. "But..." He smiled. "You are pretty cute. Maybe we can make this work."


I looked up at the alpha with wide eyes. "Wait, what?" I asked softly. "Make it work?"

"Yeah. I'm sure I can take you on a date or two and see if I like you." He said nonchalantly, before he lightly scratched the back of his ear shyly as he looked away.

"You just...said you were in a relationship..." I mumbled awkwardly. "You can't cheat, sunbaenim. That's not good..."

He chuckled softly, making me tense up a bit at his lack of care for my words. I stared up at him in shock as he gleefully laughed, before he shook his head.

"Oh god, please don't call me sunbaenim. You're making me feel old." He said with a bright smile, completely writing off my 'cheating' accusation.


"Hyung." He corrected with a smile. "Chan hyung is fine. Sunbae and sunbaenim are way to formal. We're just working at a coffee shop. No need for those honorifics. Besides, you aren't that much younger than I am...surely?" He said hopefully, before he gently pat me on my head. "I'm sorry, but I don't know your name. We haven't worked very many shifts together, so..." He tilted his head curiously. "I'm not sure how you know me or if you like me or not. I think the most I've ever said to you was a bunch of coffee names or 'pass me the frother'."

How the hell am I supposed to tell him I applied for a job here because I used to like seeing him work before...?

Is that going to come off as stalkerish...?

"Ah..." I averted my gaze nervously. "I guess...I thought you were handsome...?" I lied, unsure of what else to say.

His smile seemed to fade a bit. "Just because I'm handsome?" He asked, staring down at me with a blank face.

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