Chapter 75

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Thank you for 271k, 272k, 273k, 274k  and 275k on Oct. 20th and 276k and 277k on Oct. 21st~❤️


Fuck the 23rd.


I don't know how I made it through dinner without breaking out in tears. And rather than going back to Hyunjin's room after dinner, I trailed after Jisung as he was going to his own room, occasionally looking over his shoulder at me as he noticed me trudging along after him. But he didn't say anything, and accepted that I'd be with him for awhile as we went into his room.

I don't want to tell him about Hyunjin egging me towards the abortion. Because I don't want to create a fight between them. But...I really do want comfort from him. The mate of mine that wanted this pup...probably more than I did.

After all, I was his hope. His ticket to a pup of his own. And now, the accident in my belly was on death row, and he was clearly upset about it.

"Come here, come cuddle."

I perked up when I heard Jisung speak to me. He was already perched on his bed, waiting for me to come and lay in his arms. I let out a soft whine, quickly waddling over to the other omega and crawling onto his bed, before I laid down in his arms and tucked my nose into his neck. He smiled and pressed his cheek against my forehead as his arms wrapped around me, while I melted in his arms and grunted softly a few times, trying to get comfortable in his arms without pressing on my belly. Jisung tried whatever he could to accommodate me, until we found a comfortable position for us both that didn't squish the baby bump between us. Jisung gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead and started to purr, offering me more comfort as I curled up in his arms.

"Did you miss me, baby boy? I didn't expect you to follow me to my room." He said playfully as he craned his neck to gently kiss my cheek.

"I missed you." I mumbled softly. "It feels good to be held by you..."

"Yeah?" He smiled. "I'll hold you more often then, mama." He giggled softly, before he kissed my cheek again. But I paused the moment he called me 'mama'.


I didn't respond to him. My eyes fell, and once again, I was focused on not breaking down. But just as soon as I tried holding in my ears, Jisung gently turned my head so he could look into my eyes and gave me a soft smile.

"You can cry if you want to, baby." He mumbled softly. "I've already figured out what's up. You don't have to hide it."

I looked up at him nervously. "You aren't mad...?"

"Not at you." He said, before he gently pat his shoulder. "Go on. Let it out, okay?"

I curled my lip a bit, my eyes quickly tearing up as he gave me acceptance--and permission to be weak. I accepted his invitation, and used his shoulder to cry. All the while, he gently stroked my blonde hair and occasionally kissed my forehead, purring for me as I released the flood gates. Soaking his shirt in my tears in the process, for a much needed cry.

"I-I'm sorry--" I whimpered softly, clinging to him tightly as my head turned to the side, mumbling in his ear. "I r-really wanna be a mama, but--" Our eyes met as I spoke, momentarily, before my own fell, unsure of how to face him as I spilled my truth. "B-But I want hyung too. And...I can't have Hyunjin hyung and the pup. He won't let me. I'm sorry." I whimpered. "I'm sorry I couldn't give you a pup. I'm sorry we couldn't be mamas together..."

Jisung's expression softened as I apologized over and over to him. He looked upset at my words, and as I started to repeat my soft apologies, the omega leaned in and gently kissed me, cutting me off and ending my spiel.

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