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Enjoy sksksk


~Jisung's POV~

"I need your license, registration and insurance card."

I sent the officer at my window my best smile, trying my best not to cuss.

"I have a gun in the car." I said casually, catching his attention. He quirked an eyebrow at me, before he motioned with his finger.

"Step out of the car and put your hands on the vehicle."

I nodded obediently and got out of the car, doing as he asked before waiting for his next instruction. But it didn't come. Nor did he ask where the gun is, or get in the car to find it. I looked back at him curiously, only to frown a little when I realized that his eyes were trained on my ass.

"Um..." I gave him an awkward smile. "The gun...?"

His eyes flitted up to mine, before he hummed. "Where is it?" He asked as he got down into my car.

"Between the seats in the console."

"And it's registered?" He asked as I heard him pop open the box and pull out the gun.

"I think so."

"You think so?" He asked with a scoff.

"Uh...yeah? I bought it from a store, so...that means it's registered, right?"

He sent me an unimpressed look as he walked away with my gun. He went and put it safely in his car, before he came back. I watched him quietly, absentmindedly taking note of how handsome this alpha was as he ran his fingers through his hair and shook some sweat out of it--something that I would be grossed out at some other alpha doing. But this one--my god, he was probably one of the most attractive alphas I've ever seen.


I jumped a little at the annoyed tone from the alpha. "W-What?" I sputtered.

"Stop checking me out and get back in the car. I need your license, registration and insurance still." He said bluntly.

I bit my tongue, not wanting to blatantly point out that he was checking me out before I had checked him out. I kept quiet and obediently got back in my car, before I got out my license and my insurance card. I handed them to him, before I rose my eyebrow at him when I noticed him staring at the two bite marks on my neck from Chan and Hyunjin.

"Has there been an accident?" He asked as he looked at my insurance card.

"Accident?" I asked with a frown. "No sir."

"So you have two bites on your neck for a reason?" He asked as his eyes flitted to look at me.

"Yes." I said, scoffing at him.


"Is that a problem...?" I asked with a risen eyebrow.

"No." He said simply as he looked over my license, before he started walking away. "Stay put."

Okay then...

I waited silently for the alpha to return. He took his sweet time running my information, and came back a few minutes later with everything and my gun.

"Since this is your first offense, I'm not going to give you a ticket today. But for future reference, try not to speed ten over, yeah? You're lucky you weren't one street over in that school zone. I wouldn't have let you go then." He grumbled as he handed me my papers. I took them with a little smile at him, a little bit happier that he wasn't going to give me a ticket, but still annoyed that he'd pulled me over in the first place.

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