Chapter 5

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Settling down in the old house.

The coming-of-age dinner for the second young master of the An family is about to begin, and An's father is receiving the guests in person with a smile on his face.

The An family was originally considered a first-class family in the Imperial City. It's a pity that the first two generations failed to live up to expectations and their family fortunes fell into decline, which reduced the An family to the second rank in the family.

An's father was ambitious and wanted to bring the An family back to its former status as a first-class family. But I have no ambition and no ability, so I can only place my hope on my children.

An Qiao's talent made him ecstatic, and he felt that Huangtian had paid off and finally gave him the opportunity to rise to the top of the An family. The talent is extremely high - he is an elf with the purest bloodline in the history of the empire, and he is also an elf with a prosperous beauty. Isn't it easy to catch a perfect son-in-law? Being a princess is no problem!

He deliberately cultivated the father-son relationship with An Qiao, and was very kind to An Qiao. He even didn't even take back an illegitimate child born from an elf outside so that An Qiao wouldn't feel any pain in his heart. You must know that even the lowest level elves are highly sought after, and you will definitely not suffer any loss if you take them back.

But in order to stabilize An Qiao's heart, he had no choice but to give up. He wants to pursue the greatest interests.

However, just when he was confidently preparing for his eldest son's coming-of-age dinner, dreaming of An Qiao catching a rich husband and helping the An family return to its former glory, An Qiao unexpectedly failed to awaken!

It failed!

An's father used to be happy with everything about An Qiao, but now he only feels physiological disgust. When he thought that his more than ten years of hard work had been in vain, he wanted to strangle An Qiao to death.

But after all, he still wants face and reputation. Moreover, An Qiao is useless, but doesn’t he still have a good-looking face? If you "sell" it, you can still get a lot of benefits.

What's more, he also has an elf son, whose talent and appearance are not bad, and his mind is not as stupid as that of his eldest son. If he cultivates and utilizes him well, his achievements may not be low.

"Master! His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's bodyguards are here! They..." They arrested the bodyguards and housekeeper An who went to pick up the eldest young master, and they were about to question him menacingly!

Before the person who came to report had finished his last sentence, An's father was already ecstatic and going out to greet him.

"By the way, go call the Second Young Master over and tell him that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's personal guards are here!" He ordered as he walked forward with great strides and high spirits.

"Go! What are you doing here?"


People kept congratulating him. In the past, the guests who only maintained a superficial relationship and had a lukewarm attitude were suddenly all enthusiastic, as if their relationship was very good.

Father An smiled and had a humble look on his face. He secretly despised these people for their habit of underestimating others and flattering them. However, these compliments undoubtedly made him feel so comfortable physically and mentally that he felt almost as if he was floating.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's personal bodyguards came over at this time, during his second son's coming-of-age dinner - also known as the "Sister-in-law Selection Dinner". Apart from having a good impression of his second son, what other reason could there be for having the bodyguards come over?

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