Chapter 19

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Chu Heng narrowed his eyes dangerously and said casually: "Major General Mo wants to fight with me. Of course I am willing to accompany you. After the assessment is over, I will definitely not forget to go to you to practice." "

No...I When did I say that I wanted to fight the prince?" The Mo family major general said with a headache.

Chu Heng's military strength is well known throughout the empire, especially those in the military department, who know how terrifying Chu Heng is. Facing Chu Heng, even a 2S-level orc had no power to fight back. Not to mention that he is only an S-level major general.

"You just mocked my Crown Princess, of course I have to help my Qiao Qiao get back on her feet. If I don't want to fight with you, why would I be as shameless as you to mock your Major General's wife?"

Several other judges present were all confused. An expression like watching a play.

How stupid is it to mock Chu Heng's crown princess in front of Chu Heng. Even if Chu Heng didn't like the Crown Princess, he would not allow outsiders to provoke her. What's more, Chu Heng seemed to really like the princess who was matched by the mastermind system.

Chu Heng is a madman who is reckless and domineering. Do you provoke Chu Heng in person because you think life is too comfortable and you want to be beaten to wake up?

The representative of the First Legion, who was also a major general from the royal family, saw enough of the show and quickly came out to smooth things over: "Students who have the courage to participate in the assessment are worthy of recognition."

Chu Heng did not let it go: "Major General Mo, don't forget You want to have a fight with me after the assessment."

"Oh, and -"

Chu Heng looked at the representative judge of the Fourth Legion, the corners of his lips slightly raised, but there was no smile in his eyes: "This third Major General of the Fourth Legion, please go back and tell Major General Zhou Xiaoran of your legion that after the assessment, I will also go to him to practice." "

Last time, his brother Zhou Xiaoxiao designed my home Qiaoqiao, but in the end he didn't even apologize. No. He is too weak, and he is an elf. I can’t fight him personally to help my Qiaoqiao regain some ground. I can only ask his brother Zhou Xiaoran to practice with me." "

Okay, I will definitely press the button. Please inform Major General Zhou Xiaoran of the prince's wishes." After the representative of the Fourth Army finished speaking, he secretly complained in his heart.

Really, why did the young master of the Zhou family deliberately set up An Qiao to make a fool of himself? Isn't this a direct provocation to Chu Heng by designing the crown princess of Chu Heng?

However, he knew the inside story and knew that Zhou Xiaoxiao, the young master of the Zhou family, had not apologized later, so he could not apologize - because when he was out some time ago, he was suddenly attacked by bloodthirsty vines. He was so frightened that he almost had a mental breakdown. He is still so ill now. Unable to leave the hospital bed.

The Zhou family did not believe that this was an accident, and firmly believed that it was designed by Chu Heng. However, no evidence could be found. Moreover, it was the Zhou family who took the blame first.

The Zhou family originally wanted to ask Chu Heng for an explanation, but after all kinds of troubles hit the Zhou family one after another, everyone was so busy that they no longer wanted to pay attention to it.

It was also because of this that a major general directly related to the Zhou family was originally appointed as a judge on behalf of the Fourth Army. In the end, the general was too busy to have time, so he was appointed as judge.

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