Chapter 52

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After saying the words, Chu Heng suddenly felt that "hugging" seemed too intimate and ambiguous? Could An Qiao have noticed that he had evil intentions? !

He quietly glanced at An Qiao under the crabapple tree, and saw the young man lazily squinting his eyes and looking sideways, his expression seemed thoughtful.

Worried that An Qiao would notice something was wrong, Chu Heng hurriedly said, "No... I'm carrying you back."

An Qiao: "..."

An Qiao raised her eyebrows.

He now feels that he felt like Chu Heng clearly saw through his vest and knew that he was not the original eldest young master of the An family, but did not expose him.

"Then...can I trouble you?"


The moon is like water.

The fragrance of grass and flowers and the fragrance of flowers spread everywhere with the night wind.

Lying on Chu Heng's back, An Qiao put his hands on Chu Heng's shoulders slightly stiffly.

I thought I wouldn't be able to adapt.

But when he felt that Chu Heng was more nervous than him - even though he was carrying him steadily, his hands were trembling slightly and unnoticeably, and the muscles in his back were a little tight due to tension.

An Qiao slowly relaxed.

He also deliberately pointed out with "puzzling": "Your hands are shaking a little bit - is it because... you are too nervous?" "

...Maybe you exercised too much during the day, so your hands are shaking a bit. ."


An Qiao said a long "oh", and then laughed very softly.

His chuckle was like a dream, blending into the deep and gentle night.

With this smile, Chu Heng could no longer suppress the trembling of his heart and hands.


appearance of the remnant soul of the Demon King gave An Qiao a sense of urgency to regain his strength as soon as possible.

Seeing that Chu Heng would have no big problems next, he began to concentrate on absorbing the energy crystal energy after returning to his room.

Before, I was worried about absorbing a huge amount of energy crystal energy all at once. Would it be bad? It would be completely absorbed and transformed, so that I might be caught off guard and suddenly transform into the form of an elf - the form of an elf would be more conducive to absorbing energy and restoring magic power.

Now, he can't worry so much.

It should be okay if you're careful, right?

The two elf detectors are on the Imperial City and cannot detect the Aqua Blue Star.

--Even if he transforms back into the form of an elf, as long as no one sees him, it won't be a big problem.

Thinking of this, he let go and accelerated the absorption of energy in order to regain more strength as soon as possible.

This time the S-class elf Jun Yilian was deposed. At first, the people of the empire, guided by public opinion, focused their attention on Chu Heng, the "biggest suspect".

When Chu Heng stood up and threw out the evidence that the Second Prince's faction and others had interfered with the public opinion, and said, "If there is evidence, we will provide evidence." Public opinion changed direction, and many even expressed doubts that "Jun Yilian was deposed." "This incident is actually a series of tricks set up by the second prince for Prince Chu Heng in order to fight for the throne.

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