Chapter 23

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"You are not as good-looking as Qiao Qiao." Chu Heng replied almost without thinking.

When he said it, he realized that he actually said the name "Qiao Qiao" smoothly. When he teased An Qiao before and called An Qiao "Qiao Qiao", An Qiao got angry and asked him not to call him that again?!

Chu Heng felt a little guilty.

Although when he mentioned An Qiao to others, he said "my Qiao Qiao" happily and called An Qiao "Qiao Qiao" to An Qiao, he did not dare to do so, fearing that An Qiao would become angry due to shame. .

But unexpectedly, he glanced at An Qiao's face and found that An Qiao didn't seem to notice this.

An Qiao: "..."

After coming back to his senses, An Qiao felt that he was really inexplicable just now. It was as if he was possessed by a man, so he would ask such a boring and childish question.

Hearing Chu Heng say that he was better looking, An Qiao nodded with satisfaction in her heart.

Chu Heng’s eyesight is pretty good.

But then he looked startled, and his beautiful eyebrows knitted together.

They selfishly feel that their own elf form is the most beautiful and perfect!

Chu Heng said that it was better when he switched to human form. Look... he

really has no vision!

The expression on An Qiao's face changed back and forth, and finally returned to his usual cold and reserved look.

"Your taste is not very good," he said.

"But here, Qiaoqiao is always the best? You see." Chu Heng curled his lips and said with a smile.

His tone seemed joking, but his eyes looking at An Qiao were extremely serious.

His deep rose-colored eyes became darker in color, as if they were shining with hot fire, sincere and passionate.

An Qiao was slightly startled, and her heartbeat seemed to skip a beat at that moment.


The "glittering" ginger bulb next to me lit up, and I felt like I was forced to eat a big bowl of dog food!

Really, he? Why did he say that elves are the best in front of Chu Heng so ignorantly? Look, looking for a sense of identity?

Chu Heng "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", so he naturally thinks that his sweetheart is the best!

The mention of elves also made An Qiao "jealous", and they almost became the sinners who destroyed the relationship between husband and wife.

However, these two are really sticky.

Especially Chu Heng, who kept saying "Qiao Qiao" every time, and also said "You are the best? Look", it was so sticky!

I really didn’t expect that Chu Heng, who has a cold and hard personality, a short-tempered and impatient temper, would be so sticky when it comes to love. That patient, considerate and sweet talk is really unbelievable, as if he is a different person.

Most of the freshmen of the Empire's First Military Academy in the square were Chu Heng's fans.

The empire values force. As the strongest Imperial Orc, Chu Heng also led his second legion to defeat the invading Zerg, and single-handedly wounded the Insect Mother. It can be said that Chu Heng has great military exploits and is a veritable hero of the Empire.

Many freshmen who participated in the assessment came for Chu Heng.

Now that they can be in the same square as their idols and see their idols with their own eyes, many people are so excited that their faces turn red and they almost cannot suppress their screams. Of course, it was not embarrassing to shout out. However, he couldn't help but look towards Chu Heng.

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