Chapter 16

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An Qiao glanced at An Yuchun inadvertently at first, his eyebrows were cold as if he didn't recognize this person, and his steps were still calm and elegant.

——An Yuchun didn't appear in front of him for a while, and his mind had automatically put all the relevant memories of this person into a corner. He has always been too lazy to pay attention to irrelevant people and things.

However, when An Yuchun called "big brother", An Qiao paused and frowned.

I have emphasized several times before that An Yuchun should not call him that.

But An Yuchun obviously didn't take these words seriously and was happy to show how to have "deep brotherhood".

As for the couples restaurant An Yuchun mentioned?

A trace of doubt flashed across An Qiao's cold face.

Chu Heng asked him to invite him to dinner to apologize. He only mentioned that the Qingyuan Pavilion was very delicious, but did not mention that it was a couple's restaurant.

Maybe Chu Heng didn’t know it himself, or maybe he forgot to mention it? Originally, couple restaurants do not stipulate that only couples can book.

An Qiao glanced at An Yuchun indifferently and was about to say something.

"Qiao Qiao." A low, magnetic voice, as seductive as a cello, suddenly sounded.

An Qiao: "..."

An Qiao froze and felt goosebumps rising. This title is really...

When he was young, the elders of the elves who were responsible for educating him didn't even call him such an intimate and sticky name!

"Have you been waiting for a long time, Qiaoqiao? I'm sorry, because the military department suddenly had something to do, and I promised to pick you up but I didn't. Fortunately, I arrived in time and didn't miss our dinner." Chu Heng's tone was extremely affectionate, and he sounded kind.

The meaning of affectionate style.

If An Qiao hadn't seen Chu Heng blinking at him suggestively from an angle that An Yuchun couldn't see, he would have doubted whether the Chu Heng in front of him was also a different person.

Suddenly she understood that Chu Heng was "acting", and An Qiao wouldn't try to tear down Chu Heng's stage.

He shook his head and said calmly: "It didn't take long, I just arrived."

If he was asked to act in an "intimate scene" like Chu Heng, he couldn't do it.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince." An Yuchun on the side opened his eyes wide with astonishment on his face.

When An Qiao appeared alone in Qingyuan Pavilion, An Yuchun felt a little gloating and felt very happy.

I heard that the prince personally went to school to pick up An Qiao, and even gave An Qiao a life-saving and special 2S-level energy shield. He really valued and liked An Qiao. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that. Otherwise, I would not have accompanied An Qiao to the couple's restaurant, leaving An Qiao to come alone.

Those previous actions were probably just because he didn't want An Qiao, who had the title of "Crown Princess", to be provoked and damage his reputation. Because we only pay attention to the surface and see more high-quality products, Wenwen comes to Penguin Skirt and there are no bar chairs, so intimate things like going out to a couple's restaurant for a date are naturally impossible.

Out of jealousy and resentment towards An Qiao, and the desire to see An Qiao fall into the dust and mud, An Yuchun temporarily lost his mind and lost his usual caution, and then spoke out his strange anger towards An Qiao.

Unexpectedly, he was bumped into by the prince.

An Yuchun could barely maintain his composure on the surface, but he was actually feeling anxious and flustered inside.

But rather than panic and uneasiness, a stronger feeling of jealousy filled his heart.

Why? Why would anyone care about An Qiao and protect him when he has been reduced to useless status? !

And this man is no ordinary person, he is the prince of the empire, the marshal of the Second Legion, and the strongest orc in the empire!

I don’t know if the prince is blind. What does he see in An Qiao? !

Although he, like most of the elves in the empire, was afraid of Chu Heng, he was trembling even when he looked directly at the cold and cruel Chu Heng. But they are still very keen on the position of the Crown Princess and the future Queen.

Unexpectedly, in the end, An Qiao, a loser, was matched by the mastermind system and given to Chu Heng as the crown princess!

What was even more unexpected was that Chu Heng, who had threatened not to marry the Crown Princess and had always been extremely indifferent to the elves, actually seemed to have fallen in love with the good-for-nothing An Qiao. Instead of being cold and ruthless in the past, he became gentle and patient with the good-for-nothing An Qiao. Very.

"Oh, are you the illegitimate child that the An family just brought back?" Chu Heng half-raised his eyelids and glanced at him casually.

An Yuchun trembled when he saw it. Those blood-red eyes made him feel as if he was being stared at by some large ferocious beast.

"It''s me." His voice couldn't help but tremble.

"You are very bold." Chu Heng chuckled, but his eyes were cold and there was no smile.

An Yuchun turned pale with fright, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"I remember that my Qiaoqiao didn't seem to like you calling him big brother." Chu Heng said.

He could see An Yuchun's great malice towards An Qiao, and also knew that An Qiao was not happy with An Yuchun.

"Don't call him that again in the future."

"Oh, and also, when you appear in front of him, he will be in a bad mood. If he is in a bad mood, the prince will not be happy either." "

So, what should you do in the future? You should understand, right?"

"Let's go, Qiao Qiao, you should be hungry too." The last sentence was said to An Qiao, his voice was deeper, and his tone was not as cold as before towards An Yuchun, but with a little more emotion. There is no help but pampering.

Go into the reserved box.

An Qiao glanced at Chu Heng dissatisfied and said, "Don't call me that again." The

pale silver-haired beauty had a cold and proud temperament. When she squinted at people, the ends of her narrow eyes were slightly raised, softening the coldness and alienation on his face. , there is an indescribable feeling of confusion.

"Don't call you...Qiaoqiao like I just did?" Chu Heng curved his lips and teased him deliberately.

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