Chapter 49

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This time the Demon King's Curse broke out, it was actually more serious than before. However, because An Qiao's magic power has also recovered by about 60%, and the light magic power can alleviate the pain of the Demon King's curse to a certain extent, it is not as uncomfortable as before.

It's just that he's a little weak in energy, his eyebrows are gloomy, and he looks even more pale and sickly.

An Qiao got up the next morning, washed up slowly and went downstairs, but did not see Chu Heng.

Thinking of what he saw last night, when Chu Heng found out that the person behind the scenes who hired the four S-class orcs to assassinate him was Jun Yilian of the Jun family, there was a rare look of anger, fury, and hostility on his face. and evil spirit.

Thinking again of Chu Heng's threat to kill the person who hurt him yesterday...

An Qiao's eyelids twitched.

Killing Jun Yilian just like that on impulse? Even if Chu Heng has a special status as the prince of the empire, he will be in a lot of trouble!

"Where is Chu Heng?" he asked Chu Heng's adjutant Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi lowered his eyes and looked at his nose and heart: "A friend of His Highness's, Yin Que, happens to be in Blue Star City right now, so I took this opportunity to invite His Highness to discuss some business cooperation." An Qiao

smiled. Feixiao: "What a coincidence, I also want to meet this friend Chu Heng."

Jiang Qi: "..."

He just said that, the princess will definitely not believe this excuse? Asking Chu Heng to make up another excuse, Chu Heng asked him to find his own way to get over it. How can we get him round?

"Tell me, did he go to the Imperial Capital Planet?"

Jiang Qi: "..."

Indeed? Yes, he was still angry last night and rushed away to the Imperial Capital Planet alone. They should all be back by now.

He reluctantly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "How could it be? His Highness is really going to see a friend. He should be back in a while -" "

If you don't believe me, ask him then."

The dead Taoist friend is not dead, the poor Taoist - -His Royal Highness should bear the wrath of the Crown Princess himself.


"Were the four S-class orcs who assassinated An Qiao hired by you?" Chu Heng said expressionlessly.

"What assassination? Your Highness, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Jun Yilian's face was full of confusion.

"Also, Your Highness, you broke into my room in the middle of the night, weren't you too unscrupulous and lawless?"

Jun Yilian didn't receive news from those four people that night, so he knew that the assassination of An Qiao should fail. .

Another failure!

He was so angry that he locked a person in a soundproof room and smashed things for more than half an hour.

He never thought that this matter would be found out, and he never thought that Chu Heng would go directly to Jun's house to question him in order to stand up for An Qiao.

The entire room has been isolated by Chu Heng with energy, and an energy "enchantment" has been set up. The sound, movement, and stillness here cannot be transmitted at all, and the light-brain message cannot be transmitted.

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