Chapter 8

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At noon, An Qiao and Chu Heng ate together.

For some unknown reason, Chu Heng did not take nutritional supplements like he did in the morning, but chose to eat the food prepared by the chef.

In fact, the main reason is that the housekeeper always talks to Chu Heng, saying how he can bear to leave An Qiao to eat alone or something because he has just been married, as if he is some heinous scumbag.

Butler Chu Heng was extremely annoyed. He also thought that An Qiao might not be used to it when he first came to the Marshal's Mansion, so he agreed.

After dinner, An Qiao remembered the message from Song Leran and thought about going to the First Military Academy of the Empire.

"By the way," he wiped the corners of his lips with a white silk scarf embroidered with a red rose, "Can you lend me an aircraft?"

Chu Heng picked up the coat hanging nearby and was about to leave the restaurant and go to the study. After a pause, he was surprised: "Aircraft? Where are you going?"

An Qiao said in a calm tone: "I'm going to the First Military Academy of the Empire tomorrow."

"You said you want to go back to the First Military Academy of the Empire?" Chu Heng didn't dare. I believe it, and suspect that I heard it wrong.

An Qiao: "Yeah."

He originally felt that there was no need or need to mention this matter to Chu Heng. His decision could not be refuted, he rarely asked other people's opinions, and he hated others to point fingers and interfere too much.

However, thinking that Chu Heng had kindly "fed him chicken soup" in the morning, hoping that he would be positive and optimistic and take a good rest, he felt that it was not troublesome to mention it casually.

Moreover, to go to the First Military Academy of the Empire, he needed an aircraft to get back and forth.

Oh, he has never flown an aircraft himself.

The aircraft can be piloted automatically or by yourself.

Of course, he would definitely not drive by himself until he was sure.

Chu Heng frowned: "No...can't we not go?"

He originally wanted to say "don't go", but when he said the words, he felt that his tone was too strong and inappropriate. An Qiao was not one of his subordinates, so the tone of this order was not suitable.

To be honest, he did not agree with An Qiao returning to the First Military Academy of the Empire now.

She is still seriously ill, and there are a lot of rumors in the school. It would be uncomfortable for a normal person, let alone An Qiao, who is a sick person? How do you maintain a good mood and cultivate yourself in this kind of environment? It’s hard to say whether it’s about maintaining a good mood or aggravating depression.

If those rough-skinned orcs under him dare not face the rumors from the outside world and can only hide and close themselves off to escape reality, he will definitely give them a good beating to make them sober.

However, looking at An Qiao who was so weak and could break at the touch of a touch, he just wanted to advise her not to face the wind and rain from the outside world. Maybe if I get a little stimulation, I'll cough up blood again.

You must know that in such a short period of time yesterday, he had seen this sick man coughing up blood twice!

Are you running to the First Military Academy of the Empire now to cough up blood a few more times and risk your life?

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