Chapter 81

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Everyone couldn't help but look up at the fierce and mighty black dragon covered in flames in the sky.

The soldiers of the second legion looked at the arriving coach and were extremely excited.

--Although it was only Chu Heng who came, the army led by Chu Heng did not arrive so soon in the starship.

However, it was almost enough that Chu Heng was here.

The black dragon wrapped in flames swooped down, and the flames turned into hundreds of thousands of flame birds, attacking the Zerg army.

The sky is full of flame birds, the ultimate magnificence and danger.

One after another, the flame birds hit the Zerg and burned. Hundreds of thousands of Zerg screamed in fear for help in the flames, but were instantly burned to ashes.

The live broadcast ball in the air, which was so small that it could be ignored, was affected by the flames and turned into dregs. The audience in the live broadcast room only had time to see the black dragon and the sky full of flame birds, and then there was only a blank space in the live broadcast room.

However, no one on the battlefield was paying attention at this time.

--The insect mother escaped!

The insect mother, who was already a little afraid of An Qiao in the offensive state, had fought with Chu Heng before when Chu Heng's black giant dragon beast appeared in the air, covered in flames. Both sides were hurt, and she sensed the fatal danger, so she was busy. Duidi asked all the Zerg guards around him to self-destruct to stop An Qiao, who was restraining him, and used his space talent to escape in the air at a short distance.

It's just that a wisp of the demon king's remnant soul with little consciousness left is possessed. Although it can affect the insect mother's sanity most of the time, there are also times when it cannot affect it - such as when she senses extreme danger now. To deal with An Qiao alone, it is enough to choke Chu Heng, who has fought against it and both sides suffered losses. Isn't that looking for death?

Therefore, even though the Demon King's Remnant Soul crazily wanted to kill An Qiao, his enemy, the insect mother's own consciousness, which was always cautious and fearful of death, suppressed the Demon King's Remnant Soul's consciousness and escaped quickly at the critical moment.

The soldiers of the Second Legion were stunned at first, and then couldn't help being surprised.

Without the Insect Mother, the Zerg army would be in chaos without the Insect Mother's mental control. It would not be as ruthless as when the Insect Mother was around, and would self-destruct and pull the enemy to death together, so it would be easier to deal with. Much more.

The black dragon swooped down towards An Qiao, and when it was about to approach the ground and approach An Qiao, it transformed into a man with handsome features and landed on the ground.

Chu Heng was a little regretful that the insect mother saw his black dragon beast form and ran away in fear of death.

But traveling in the form of a giant black dragon was faster than taking a starship. He was afraid that it would be difficult for An Qiao to deal with the insect mother alone, so he rushed over impatiently.

Fortunately, his Qiao Qiao looked uninjured.

--But there are also some injuries that cannot be seen.

Qiaoqiao? Don't you want to expose the elf's vest? If nothing else happened, why did he switch back to the elf form now?

Chu Heng didn't let go of her worried heart, and was about to ask An Qiao if he was hurt? No.

I heard An Qiao say with a little regret: "Why did you switch back to human form so quickly?"

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