Chapter 26

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An Qiao was dumbfounded. He didn’t expect Chu Heng to touch his ears when he wasn’t paying attention!

It was the first time someone touched An Qiao's ears, and her snow-like cheeks turned a thin red with anger.

The ear that was touched was particularly red, even brighter and brighter than onyx?

"You..." An Qiao glared at Chu Heng with her beautiful eyes and wanted to say? Why are you suddenly acting like a gangster? But it suddenly occurred to me that in this world, touching people's ears is a normal thing and has no special meaning in the elf world.

In other words, Chu Heng just saw something stuck on his ear and "kindly" reached out to help him wipe it off.

An Qiao: "..."

Although he knew that Chu Heng didn't mean to "play hooligan", An Qiao still glared at him angrily: "How could you just touch my ears!" Chu Heng didn't expect

An Qiao to be so angry. How much more angry would you be when you deliberately tease him and call him "Qiao Qiao"?

I just touched my ears.

Chu Heng had some doubts.

But he still touched the fur sensibly and immediately comforted the angry An Qiao: "I was wrong. I will not touch your ears casually next time."

An Qiao was slightly satisfied with his sincere attitude of admitting his mistake and snorted coldly. He said, "Do you still want to have it next time?!"

"No more," Chu Heng said obediently, "I will listen to you."

Although he said so, he still itched his hands and wanted to touch it again.

An Qiao's ears felt soft and a little cold to the touch.

I don't know if it's because An Qiao is an elf, but Chu Heng always feels that An Qiao's ears feel very strange to the touch, which is completely different from the feeling when he touches his own ears!

Moreover, the elf whose ears were touched turned slightly red in anger, slightly softening his cold and reserved temperament, making people want to Rua.


This New Year's Day dinner, for which the emperor sent invitations, was held in the palace as usual.

Those who can get the invitation and are qualified to attend this New Year's Day dinner, except for a few members of the royal family and people from the first-class families in the Imperial City, are all bigwigs from the military, politics, business, technology and other fields.

The banquet was about to begin, and even Emperor Chu Zhengming was already there. Only then did Chu Heng bring An Qiao to the finale, and walked calmly into the splendid banquet hall.

The originally bustling banquet hall fell silent for a moment when An Qiao and Chu Heng entered. The members of the orchestra who were playing all invariably slowed down the music rhythm.

The two people coming side by side, one is wearing a black and gold military uniform, and the other is wearing a snow-white robe as always. This is different from ordinary banquet dresses. It's hard not to notice.

But what draws people's attention even more is the extremely outstanding appearance of these two people.

Chu Heng is tall and straight, with particularly deep and handsome eyebrows. And An Qiao beside him, with snow-skinned silver hair, is even more cold and beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful.

The two people walked side by side, like two shining luminous bodies, which was particularly eye-catching.

The banquet hall was quiet for a while before returning to its lively state.

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