Chapter 62

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"Why are you blushing?" An Qiao asked curiously.

"'s nothing!" Chu Heng looked away slightly, answering clearly panicked and guilty.

An Qiao narrowed her eyes.

Chu Heng was obviously trying to cover up something like this, but he was very suspicious.

He was about to say something, when suddenly, he was caught off guard and suddenly lifted into the air.

An Qiao: "???"

"Qiao Qiao, you are injured, shall I carry you back?" Chu Heng said anxiously and with a guilty conscience.

After he picked him up, he realized what he had done.

It's all that yellow waste!

Of course, it was also because he felt distressed to see An Qiao leaning against the wall helplessly, unable to hide her tiredness.

An Qiao raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise.

Not long ago, Chu Heng was so cowardly that she asked him first and got his permission before carrying him on her back. Now she is a lot more courageous. She actually dared to kill him first and then pick him up? She came to ask his opinion only after she came.

Facing Chu Heng's hot and slightly uneasy eyes, An Qiao said, "I'm sorry to bother you."

Upon hearing this, Chu Heng's pupils suddenly brightened as he stared at An Qiao.

He had picked up An Qiao impulsively without her permission, and he was a little worried that An Qiao would be angry.

But An Qiao didn't mean to be angry.

This made Chu Heng couldn't help but think of the instinct he had when he heard An Qiao defend him and help him clarify the rumors.

Could it be that An Qiao really cared about him more than just a friend?


An Qiao returned to the Garden Castle and went back to the bedroom to rest, only to find that Song Leran had a lot of news on his brain.

Song Leran: [Ahhhhhhh! An Qiao, you are the first to see the elf! What a lucky thing that makes people envious and jealous! ! ]

[Speaking of An Qiao, when did you meet the elf? That elf sir? Did he say anything to you? 】

【Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... ah? 】


A series of bombardments of information, almost every message is about elves.

An Qiao: "..."

It turns out that Song Leran is also a fan of elves.

But there were so many questions at once, how could he prepare answers?

Too lazy to think about it, An Qiao replied directly: [That elf sir? Let me keep it a secret. 】

--He never thought that he would fall off his horse in front of the public in the future.

I will slowly reveal my identity to Chu Heng in the future, but I have no intention of exposing the elf's identity to anyone except Chu Heng.

However, in order not to disappoint the overly excited Song Leran, he added:

[But if you can see the elf again next time, I will try my best to get a signature for you]

Anyway, the signature is just a different font. Just write a few words and you can finish it in minutes.

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