Chapter 36

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An Qiao and Chu Heng followed far behind the local indigenous team of more than ten people.

However, it didn't take long for them to discover that some distance in front of them, following the indigenous team from a distance, was a group of people who were obviously not dressed as local indigenous people.

"They are from the Greedy Wolf Star Bandits." Chu Heng narrowed his eyes.

Although the Greedy Wolf Star Thieves Group is not as famous as some Star Thieves Groups on the surface, it is actually the Star Thieves Group with the strongest overall strength in the empire, and it is extremely cunning.

Chu Heng has always wanted to destroy this gang of greedy wolf star thieves. But I don’t know if it’s because the Greedy Wolf Star Thieves are too well-informed, and there may even be people from the military inside. His Second Legion has been keeping an eye on the Greedy Wolf Star Thieves for several years, but they only managed to capture the Greedy Wolf Star Thieves. The group dealt a moderate blow, but failed to completely eliminate the Greedy Wolf Star Thieves Group.

An Qiao: "The Greedy Wolf Star Bandits? Looking at them like this, is their target also the Elf Palace?" "

Maybe it is. The Greedy Wolf Star Bandits are very greedy. As long as they are given enough star coins, they will accept any mission."

Chu Heng had suspected that the group of star thieves who abducted him from the Imperial Capital Star when he was just born were members of the Greedy Wolf Star Thieves Group.

Unfortunately, no evidence has ever been found. The people in the Greedy Wolf Star Thieves Group are also very slippery, and the important internal figures cannot be caught at all, and it is impossible for some small fish and shrimps outside to know what happened back then, and even if they are caught, nothing can be done.

"But it seems that this Snowy Land of Burial Spirits is quite poor. Taking such a huge risk to enter the Snowy Land of Burial Spirits, won't the gain be worth the loss?"

Chu Heng said: "I accidentally got a piece of news before. It is said that The Greedy Wolf Star Thieves obtained an ancient treasure map - looking at the current situation, it is very likely that the treasure map points to the Soul Burial Snowfield." "Moreover

, the Soul Burial Snowfield is only on the surface. Poor, in fact, due to special geographical factors, some special resources are very abundant here. Some rare mineral materials needed for manufacturing starships, energy shields and other high-end technologies that are scarce outside can be found here. As long as "It's because the environment here is dangerous, and all high technologies will fail here, and the danger is extremely high, so very few people venture into the Lingxue Field." Chu Heng guessed right, the people of the Greedy Wolf Star Thieves Group

It's because of an ancient and mysterious map - they firmly believe that it is a treasure map. They believe that the name of the Soul Burial Snow Field comes from the fact that an elf is buried here, and the gorgeous and magnificent palace that the map points to is this. The underground palace where the elf rested. In the palace there were a large number of treasures left by the elf and collected and enshrined by the natives of the Soul Burial Snowfield.

But in fact, the elf just stayed here for a while, and then left after finding his way back to the elf world. The Elven Palace is nothing but a place of remembrance.


After following the indigenous team for more than half a day, they saw a majestic, dazzling gold and red palace standing high on the vast snow-capped mountains.

The magnificent golden roof of the palace is looming in the clouds. Against the background of the snow-capped mountains and the floating clouds in the sky, it has a holy and shocking beauty.

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