Chapter 44

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An Qiao didn't know that Chu Heng was in a delicate mood.

He thought to himself, Chu Heng was indeed in a much better mood after coming out, and the expressions on his face were also colorful...

So does coming out to relax and watch the fun really have an effect?

This strengthened his determination to complete the "surprise" prepared for Chu Heng.

The sky is getting dark, and a nine-story "flower tower" on the square becomes more and more gorgeous in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Thousands of colorful potted flowers are displayed one after another on a wooden frame modeled after a nine-story pagoda. They are stacked on top of each other and look like a "flower tower". It is nearly ten meters high and majestic. , there is a kind of romance surrounded by flowers.

The large and towering flower tower, the sea of people fluttering in all kinds of clothes, and the bright and gorgeous lanterns, just looking at it makes people feel happy, and they want to join in the fun and get involved in the world of mortals.

With the "Flower Tower" as the center, draw a circle with a radius of five meters.

To "shoot flowers", you have to shoot from five meters away with a primitive cold weapon bow and arrow.

Which potted flower you like, shoot at the "hit point" where the potted flower is.

Of course, the potted flowers in the "Flower Tower" appear to be placed in the open air, but in fact there is a transparent and invisible energy protective film tightly attached to the outside. Otherwise, if everyone shoots a few arrows at the flowers, the flowers will be destroyed.

The energy protective film not only has the function of protection, but also has the function of marking the "hit point" of each potted flower.

It's not just about shooting the potted flower. You also need to hit the "hit point" of the potted flower.

In the entire "flower tower", the closer to the ground, the more potted flowers are displayed, and the more common varieties and conditions, the larger the "hit point" where the potted flowers are, and the easier they are to be shot.

The higher you go, as the varieties of flowers become more precious and the appearance becomes more beautiful, the "hit point" becomes smaller and farther away, and the difficulty of shooting gradually increases.

The "Flower Shooting" activity has been going on for some time. There are some vacant positions on the first, second and third floors of the "Flower Tower", but there are very few vacant positions on the fourth and above floors of the "Flower Tower".

At the top of the "Flower Tower", there is only one pot of flower, a red rose. It is almost perfect in appearance. It is larger and more beautiful than ordinary red roses. Its color is brighter than blood. It is extremely gorgeous and has a floral fragrance. More fragrant.

An Qiao took a fancy to the red rose at the top of the "Flower Tower" at a glance.

He did not know the deeper meaning of the red rose. After all, the fairy world is not like this world, and each flower is given various flower languages and meanings.

An Qiao simply felt that the color of this red rose matched Chu Heng's deep rose eyes, and they were both equally beautiful.

He turned his head slightly and looked at Chu Heng next to him: "What do you think of the red rose at the top? Do you like it?"

After all, his purpose was to shoot down all the flowers Chu Heng liked and give them to Chu Heng. "surprise".

Chu Heng followed An Qiao's gaze and saw the red rose.

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