Chapter 58

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"Crack-" With a sound, An Qiao crushed the white porcelain tea cup in her hand indifferently.

"Everyone in the empire will be able to see elves within today" -

if what he said is true, did he know that he was an elf from somewhere and wanted to come and force him? Or did he create a fake elf?

After all, if it was a real elf, it would be impossible for him, the elf king, not to notice it.

No matter what the situation is, it is a provocation to him!

"Does your hand hurt?" Chu Heng quickly grabbed An Qiao's hand that crushed the teacup and looked at it.

He looked really angry. An Qiao rarely got so angry.

But think about it, it would be strange not to be angry after being provoked like this!

An Qiao: "..."

An Qiao: "...I'm fine."

He's not so angry that he loses his mind and hurts himself.

Jiang Qi, who was standing next to him, stared blankly as An Qiao effortlessly crushed the teacup in his hand, and then watched Chu Heng grabbing An Qiao's hand and asking "Does it hurt?". He didn't know whether he should be shocked for a moment. An Qiao seems to be a bit ferocious in strength, so he should complain about these two people again unconsciously showing affection in front of him.

Although during this period of time, Jiang Qi had also guessed from some clues that An Qiao was not some weak and helpless dodder flower, but he intuitively saw that the weak An Qiao lightly crushed his hand and hit the teacup without any injuries. Got it?, it's quite shocking.

Moreover, the air pressure on An Qiao's body was horribly low.

Even though he was used to seeing such scenes, he was still shocked by this momentum.

Why is An Qiao so unhappy? Is it because of Mo Zhiyuan? The enemy was lucky enough to see the elf first, which made An Qiao unhappy?

An Qiao frowned.

He thought of the remnant soul of the Demon King suddenly appearing last night. At that time, he was still wondering that the Demon King's remnant soul had lost a powerful soul part. Was it just to stimulate him with words and make him suffer the backlash of the Demon King's curse?

But now, An Qiao thought of the blood he coughed up due to the curse of the devil.

Originally a drop of blood was nothing. But there are elves in this world who have elven genes in their bodies. It's useless for the elves to get this drop of blood, but there is the Demon King's Remnant Soul with weird tricks -

An Qiao suspects that the Demon King's Remnant Soul has created a fake elf with a short validity period.

This is simply a provocation and insult to the elves!

This will never be tolerated!


Not long after, at 9:44 a.m., Mo Zhiyuan posted a video online announcing that in ten minutes at 9:54 a.m., the "elves" would appear in the square in front of the Blue Star City Government Building. , there will also be a simultaneous live broadcast, inviting "elves" to meet people across the empire.

The news came unexpectedly.

Originally, everyone thought that Mo Zhiyuan said, "Everyone in the empire will be able to see the elves within today." They had to wait at least until the evening or afternoon, after all, they had to prepare. Unexpectedly, it was so fast!

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