Chapter 80

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Everyone watching the live broadcast suddenly had their hearts in their throats.

Especially when I saw the largest and most ferocious black giant insect, it was like seeing an enemy flying towards An Qiao like crazy as soon as it arrived.

The ugly giant insect, which was tens of meters tall, flew not far above An Qiao in a few seconds. Its huge head made An Qiao extremely small.

[Princess, run quickly! ! ! 】

Although Qi Anqiao has no self-awareness, he still insists on pestering Prince Chu Heng to follow the extremely dangerous Red and Blue Star. Just follow them to the Red and Blue Stars, but you don't want to stay at the rear station peacefully, and insist on running to the front line like a child's play!

But except for a very small number of people who have dark minds and malicious intentions, no one wants to see An Qiao die like this.

Not to mention that An Qiao, as the Crown Princess, was extremely affectionate with the Crown Prince Chu Heng. If something happened to An Qiao, it would definitely affect Chu Heng as the commander of this war.

Even if An Qiao's identity is not important, it is still unbearable to see a helpless person facing the insect mother. Especially this person is breathtakingly beautiful, as beautiful as a beautiful flower on this battlefield.

Seeing that this flower is about to be torn apart by the insect mother.

Everyone painfully and unbearably wanted to close their eyes and not watch the tragic scene that was about to take place.

At this moment, they saw that when An Qiao raised his eyes, his long silver-white hair that originally only reached his waist suddenly reached his ankles. A pair of elf's iconic pointed ears were half-hidden and half-revealed under the cover of his silver hair.

Everyone: "???"

Princess An Qiao is actually an elf? !

Before he could be confused and shocked, the silver-haired and white-robed elf raised his head and looked at the insect mother attacking him in mid-air, his eyebrows cold. When he raised his hand, a ball of silver-white, dazzling light condensed in the palm of his right hand.

The sleeves of his robe slipped down, revealing half of his wrists as white and shiny as frost and snow.

The next second, this ball of light rose into the air, expanded and radiated, and became bright, like the arrival of a giant sun.

The holy, blazing light turned into arrows of light, attacking the insect mother and the Zerg army behind it.

Hundreds of thousands of light arrows soared down at lightning speed.

One of the thickest light arrows struck the flying insect mother.

The ferocious, mountain-like black giant insect was caught off guard and was attacked. It fell violently from mid-air to the ground. A wound exploded by a ball of light was extremely conspicuous on its body. It was bleeding with bright red blood, and its flesh and blood rolled around. It looked quite... Looking embarrassed.

Other light arrows escaped into the Zerg army. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of Zerg were eroded by the light magic power of the light arrows. Before they could even cry out, they died silently, falling to the ground like dumplings.

This scene is really shocking.

Both the people watching the live broadcast and the soldiers of the Second Army at the scene were stunned.

They didn't know whether to shock the Crown Princess first that Concubine An Qiao was an elf, or to shock the Crown Princess that Concubine An Qiao turned out to be an elf, or to shock the Concubine that the Concubine An Qiao was so powerful.

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