Chapter 64

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No wonder why there are so many yellow scraps in the related inherited memories about how to solve the Demon King's Curse...

But? It's just to solve the Demon King's Curse. Why is there such a need for the last step to be so... so strange? step!


When Chu Heng was talking to Young Master Shen Yun in Yunjian, An Qiao asked his adjutant Jiang Qi about Chu Heng's injury.

"You mean the prince? His highness is injured?!" Jiang Qi's face was filled with shock.

An Qiao frowned slightly: "You don't know? When I entered the study just now, his chest was injured and bleeding."

Jiang Qi shook his head: "I will go to the study in twelve minutes to report to His Highness what Young Master Shen Yun is thinking. When I visited His Highness, His Highness was fine and there was nothing unusual."

"I just walked away for a while, how could it be...?"

He murmured, and then asked worriedly: "Is Your Highness okay now?"

What if ? ?If Chu Heng is in trouble, An Qiao shouldn't be so calm.

This period of time together also made him realize that An Qiao was not such a simple person, but actually had unpredictable abilities.

"Almost recovered."

As he said that, An Qiao frowned, feeling a little confused.

Since Jiang Qi said that Chu Heng didn't feel anything strange when he entered the study room just twelve minutes ago-could it be that he was injured within these twelve minutes?

He was very clear that Chu Heng was fine when he came back.

If Jiang Qi felt it right, how could Chu Heng be injured in these short twelve minutes?

With Chu Heng's strength, almost no one can hurt him. That's right...

An Qiao was frowning and thinking, and suddenly she heard Jiang Qi ask: "Your Highness, Crown Princess, have you met that Elf before?" "Do you know where the elf is? Or how can we find the elf?"

It can be seen that Jiang Qi seems to be very eager to know the whereabouts of the elf, otherwise Jiang Qi I won't call him "Your Highness the Crown Prince" - he doesn't like being called that.

An Qiao looked at him thoughtfully: "What do you want to do with that elf sir?"

A trace of uncontrollable grief flashed across Jiang Qi's face: "I have a cousin who was poisoned by an insect. I've tried many people but couldn't get the treatment, so I want to see that Elf Lord for a look." The

Jiang family is known for their loyalty and bravery, and they have produced generals from generation to generation. Marshal Jiang, the other 3S-level orc in the empire besides Chu Heng, who now controls the Third Army, is a member of the Jiang family.

Jiang Qi's brother and two cousins all died on the battlefield. In addition, the remaining cousin also lost his strength because of the insect poison. He couldn't walk with his legs and was often tortured by pain.

If it weren't for his strong will and the fact that he couldn't bear to send someone with gray hair to someone with black hair, I'm afraid Jiang Qi, his cousin, wouldn't have been able to persevere.

As Jiang Qi grew up, Jiang Qi's brother died in the Zerg battlefield. The Jiang family actually didn't want Jiang Qi, the youngest of his generation, to go to the battlefield. However, Jiang Qi secretly took the exam for the First Military Academy of the Empire and stubbornly entered the First Military Academy of the Empire.

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