Chapter 43

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Is this "surprise" prepared by An Qiao or Song Leran's suggestion?

Chu Heng's mood has been a little low these days.

The Elf King has always been arrogant, and he always maintains a high level of coercion and airs. He has never comforted anyone before, and he doesn't know how to comfort Chu Heng.

He racked his brains and tried to comfort Chu Heng with a few dry words, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

Chu Heng usually behaves like he doesn't care about anyone, and he doesn't care about being unruly. He doesn't frown at all even if he is injured, as if nothing can overwhelm him.

However, now he is hurt by his biological mother's unbearable curses. He was obviously depressed and unhappy, but he forced a smile to make him not worry. His seemingly calm eyes were always full of painful and depressed emotions, and occasionally he could not help but accidentally reveal some heavy and depressed expressions.

An Qiao couldn't help but sigh deeply as he looked at it.

He wanted to comfort him, but found that he had no experience, so he hurriedly tried to comfort him. In the end, it was Chu Heng who touched his head to comfort him and reassured him, don't worry, he will be fine.

An Qiao: "..."

An Qiao was tired.

Just when Song Leran contacted him, An Qiao asked how to comfort someone and make him happy.

When Song Leran heard it, he understood: "You want to comfort His Highness the Crown Prince and make His Highness the Crown Prince happy?" When word

came out about what He Yun did back then, Song Leran, like most people in the empire, was extremely angry when he knew the truth. .

The reputation of Prince Chu Heng in the empire is still very high. Except for some faction in the upper echelons of the empire that supported the second prince and some conspirators with dark minds, the vast majority of people in the empire actually supported Chu Heng, the prince of the empire.

In terms of strength, Chu Heng is the strongest 3S-level orc in the empire. He is also an atavistic orc, a black giant dragon with extremely lethal power.

In terms of merit and ability, Chu Heng's military achievements were outstanding and his achievements were outstanding. Especially this time, he led the second legion to defeat the Zerg and severely injured the Zerg mother by himself, which made Chu Heng's reputation even higher. The younger generation of Mu Qiang's empire all regard him as an idol male god who worships and respects him. .

What's more, Chu Heng is extremely handsome and has an excellent appearance.

In addition, Chu Heng was abducted by star thieves when he was a child. He grew up on a chaotic and backward garbage planet. He was admitted to the first military academy of the empire on his own before he returned to the imperial capital star and was recognized by the emperor. He worked hard all the way and relied on his talent, strength and military achievements. The experience of ascending to the position of prince with great strength, step by step from the bottom, has made many people sympathize with him.

Although rumors spread by the Second Prince's faction said that Chu Heng became red-eyed during the war with the Zerg, and had a very violent temper. Hei Chu Heng was born with a pair of bloody red eyes and was a born evil god. And because Chu Heng's black dragon's animal form is so oppressive? No, many people in the empire are inevitably a little afraid of Chu Heng.

But compared to a little fear, he felt more admiration and admiration for Chu Heng. The empire originally advocated force. Chu Heng's strength and achievements, as well as the victory and peace Chu Heng won for the empire, made them sincerely convinced of Chu Heng as the prince.

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