Chapter 76

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Chu Heng was very tough when he replied that he was the "head of the family". However, after replying to Shen You, he glanced at An Qiao on the stage with a little guilt.

An Qiao always felt that Chu Heng looked at him with a guilty conscience.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

What bad thing did Chu Heng do again?

Before he could think too much, the third promotion match was about to begin.

In the third promotion match, we faced the S-level Ghost Flower.

The ghost flower itself has very high medicinal value, but it is also very dangerous and difficult to get close to, let alone pick. Because anyone who is close to the ghost flower will be affected by the poisonous mist emitted by the ghost flower, and will be silently pulled into a dream by the ghost flower. In mild cases, they may hallucinate, thinking that they are in a nightmare, revealing their true temperament that is usually hidden. In severe cases, they will sleep forever in nightmares and pass away silently.

An Qiao looked at the ghost flower in front of her and thought it was quite interesting.

Since it can make people have nightmares, don't you know if it can also make people have sweet dreams?

Ghost Flower shivered inexplicably.

The scent of the human being in front of him smells very good, making him feel close to him, even surrendering to him. But I don't know why, but this person makes me feel very dangerous, and I have a very bad premonition.

Could it be that this person is going to eat it? !

Thinking of this possibility, Ghost Flower, who has always been the dominant figure in the forest, couldn't help but tremble.

An Qiao glanced at the trembling ghost flower in front of her and couldn't help but feel speechless.

This flower is really not timid enough. He was so frightened before he even did anything.

After he uses his mental power to convey his request for a sweet dream to the ghost flower, won't the ghost flower be frightened half to death?

The first place is still too conspicuous. If you let the ghost flower take the initiative to give flowers from the beginning, and be the first to complete the promotion task, it will be too eye-catching. But for twenty or thirty minutes, Zhong Qian stood and waited, looking stupid and bored.

So during this period, it would be just right to let the ghost flower give him a sweet dream.

Ghost Flower, who vaguely sensed An Qiao's request, almost cried. Make a sweet dream? It can only play pranks and make humans have nightmares, but it can't create sweet dreams!

However, it did not dare to refute, and could only do so with trembling eyes and tears.

An Qiao closed his eyes, thought of some characters and scenes he wanted to see, and then waited with some anticipation for the ghost flower to create a dream according to his wishes.

After a while, he entered a dream and returned to the elves.

In the tall and gorgeous palace, the scene was arranged as if an elf-style wedding was being held, and it was the grandest and highest-level wedding of the elf king marrying the queen.

An Qiao stood in the palace dressed up, looking towards the palace door, waiting for the "Queen" to appear.

--Although being a crown princess is not a good idea, he is looking forward to marrying Chu Heng as the "queen".

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