Chapter 9

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The First Military Academy of the Empire is the best university in the Star Empire. Most of the students there are outstandingly talented - of course, there are also a very small number of students who enter the school through the back door.

All the students in the school have seen the scene.

They were only slightly surprised when they discovered that Prince Chu Heng's exclusive aircraft appeared in the school.

"Huh? Why are His Highness the Crown Prince here?"

"Are you here for the final assessment of the freshmen in the near future?"

The final assessment for the freshmen of the Empire's First Military Academy is not a simple final assessment. This actual combat assessment is a test for the new students, and it is also an opportunity for the major legions to select reserve seedlings.

For promising outstanding students, the Corps will recruit and train them in advance and give these students the opportunity to join the Corps for internships.

Students can also recommend themselves to the corps of their choice.

This is a two-way choice.

Every year for the final assessment of freshmen, the person in charge of each major legion will be there to watch the assessment in person. However, as the marshal of the legion, he rarely recruits people personally.

The aircraft stopped, the door opened, and the first person to get out of the car was Colonel Zheng Jingyang, captain of the Prince's personal guard.

Zheng Jingyang got out of the car, walked around to the other side of the door, and reached out to open the door.

The military students passing by couldn't help but slow down and glance reservedly at the door of the aircraft with the corner of their eyes.

Although they have all seen the world, this is the prince!

The Second Army of the Empire - the Marshal of the Sunrise Army, the strongest orc in the Empire, the hero who just led the army to defeat the invading Zerg and even injured the mother bug by himself!

If you want to ask who the younger generation admires the most, it is undoubtedly Chu Heng.

Moreover, Chu Heng also graduated from the First Military Academy of the Empire and was considered the senior of these students!

The car door slowly opened, and a beautiful young man in a snow-white robe and long silver hair appeared in front of everyone.

Her skin is colder and whiter than the purest ice and snow, and her facial features are so exquisite that even the most gorgeous red roses eclipse them.

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath, as if they had seen the elves in their dreams.

The young man nodded slightly towards the captain of the Guards, his brows were cold as if he didn't notice everyone's gaze, and he stepped off the aircraft gracefully and calmly.

An Qiao walked away, and everyone came back to their senses in a daze.

"Just now... was that An Qiao?"

"It was indeed An Qiao."

"Oh my god, why didn't I realize that An Qiao was so good-looking before?"

"The most shocking thing is that An Qiao actually flew in the prince's exclusive aircraft. Did you come to school in a car?"

"It seems true... In addition to the exclusive car, he also sent the captain of the personal guard to follow him, so does the Crown Prince really approve of An Qiao as the Crown Princess? It's not just that he dislikes the trouble of getting rid of the match as we guessed. ?"

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