Chapter 34

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An Qiao's first reaction was to turn her head and look at Chu Heng in the room, praying that Chu Heng might be focused on cooking the broth, so she didn't notice or hear the shout.

But when he looked over, he happened to meet Chu Heng who suddenly raised his eyes and looked out the door - and he happened to be looking at where he was.

Obviously, Chu Heng also heard it.

Moreover, the mood fluctuates greatly.

An Qiao: "!!!"

Oops! Is it possible that the vest that you have worked so hard to maintain is about to fall off in front of Chu Heng? !

However, he thought about it and gave birth to a little hope.

Hmm... Maybe Chu Heng heard the shout, but didn't he know that the "Sir Elf" was calling him?

Or?, even if he knew that the person calling "Lord Elf" was him, he could still deny it!

An Qiao withdrew her gaze due to lack of confidence, not daring to look at Chu Heng.

"Lord Elf, it's great, you are finally back!" A dozen local natives in the team quickly arrived in front of the hut, and they were even more surprised and excited, almost crying with joy.

An Qiao: "..."

Are these people lame? He was sure he had never been here before.

Maybe other elves have appeared here. However, just because he was dressed in a similar elf style with a snow-white robe and long silver hair, these people decided that he was "that elf" who had appeared before. Isn't that too unreliable?

He glanced at these people coldly and denied: "I am not the elf master you are looking for."

"You have the wrong person!" Chu Heng strode out of the cabin at this time.

Chu Heng frowned, and glanced coldly and dangerously at the excited natives who almost wanted to surround him:

"This is my partner. Although my Qiaoqiao is good-looking, better-looking than other elves, but Isn't this the reason why you recognize him as a certain elf?"

His eyes were like sharp swords hardened with ice, full of warning, as if anyone crossed a certain line and had a strong sense of territory. , He is so possessive that he will kill them without mercy.

Those who were originally so excited that they couldn't help themselves, were swept away by Chu Heng's cold and warning eyes, and their whole bodies froze up. They felt like they were being targeted by a large ferocious beast, and they wanted to run away. But I can't escape. Illusion.

However, this glance also made them calm down a little.

It seems that this elf master is indeed not very similar to the previous elf master, although his appearance is similar and his temperament is somewhat similar.

"Sorry, Lord Elf, we made a mistake. So you are the Lord Elf who has left."

An Qiao: "..."

When An Qiao heard "Sorry", she thought these people were finally Although he was lame, he didn't expect these people to still firmly believe that he was an elf!

——Although he is indeed an elf, he doesn’t want to lose his horse now!

Especially when he suddenly fell off his horse in front of Chu Heng without any warning!

An Qiao took a deep breath.

Just as he was about to say something, Chu Heng had already spoken first, even more urgently than the client who didn't want to take off his vest: "You should apologize. My Qiaoqiao is so beautiful. It is a hundred times more beautiful than others. It is other people's." He's so good-looking that you can't even mistake him for someone else!"

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