Chapter 39

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Elves are all born from the Elf Mother Tree, and they don’t quite understand the blood relationship between human parents.

Most of the cases An Qiao has heard and seen are of parents caring for their children. Even if there is no love, it is at most indifferent.

Now when I heard Scarface talking about how Chu Heng's mother had watched young Chu Heng being kidnapped by the Star Thieves, she couldn't help but feel like her worldview was shattered.

It is really hard to imagine and understand why a mother would do such a thing.

But Chu Heng had no fluctuations in this, his face was calm, and he didn't know if he had been disappointed so many times that he no longer had expectations.

"Maybe it's him? He's lying and trying to sow discord." An Qiao comforted Chu Heng dryly.

"It's probably true." Chu Heng said, "I can feel that her attitude towards me is very strange. She is very guilty of me, but she is afraid of seeing me. She has had several mental attacks and is not very conscious. When he was awake, he kept saying he was sorry to me."

"Qiaoqiao is worried about me?" He smiled, changed the subject and joked, "Seeing how miserable I am now, you are not angry at me for hiding it before. Is it okay to hide your identity?"

An Qiao: "..."

You don't look at all "miserable" in your playful and smiling face now.

The anger was almost gone and the memory was almost forgotten before. Now Chu Heng suddenly mentioned it again, and the memory suddenly came back to him.

"It depends on your performance." He snorted.

In fact, they could also see that Chu Heng was changing the topic and did not want them to continue to pay attention to Chu Heng's mother. Chu Heng was indifferent to this and had a calm attitude. He didn't need or want him to worry or comfort him.

When **

was thinking about how to deal with the Greedy Wolf Star Thieves, adjutant Jiang Qi happened to arrive with Chu Heng's personal guards.

"Your Highness, it's great to see you okay!" The huge snow wolf that flew over turned back into a human form in one breath, panting, tired but extremely surprised.

"I feel so good to see you." Chu Heng smiled.

So, Jiang Qi, who rushed over in a hurry and didn't have time to take a breath, was confused when he heard Chu Heng asked him to handle the follow-up matters of the Greedy Wolf Star Thief Group.

Jiang Qi: "???"

Who am I? where am I?

When the members of the Greedy Wolf Star Thief Group tried to intercept and kill Chu Heng in front of the Elf Palace, they were massacred by Chu Heng. On the back mountain cliff, many elites were killed by An Qiao. In addition, some people were killed and injured in the fight with the natives of the Burial Snowfield, and now there are only a few who are lucky enough to be alive, less than one-fifth of the original number.

Jiang Qi led the personal guards and resolutely captured the remaining members of the Greedy Wolf Star Bandits, and interrogated some of the leaders of the Greedy Wolf Star Bandits, including Scarface.

"The investigation of what happened back then has been cleared up." He reported to Chu Heng and An Qiao.

——Chu Heng originally didn't want An Qiao to know about it. He felt that these old things would only taint An Qiao's ears and make An Qiao feel bad. But there was no way, An Qiao insisted on listening, and they couldn't stop him.

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