Chapter 51

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Public opinion continues to ferment.

At 8 o'clock that night, Chu Heng directly posted on his personal account on Xingwang @Second Prince Chu Feiyu, his uncle Chu Zhenglong, the Mo family, the Zhou family, etc., that they manipulated public opinion in this incident and praised him for his virtue. He is not worthy of the title. He was seriously injured on the battlefield and his talent and strength have declined. He has become too violent and murderous. This is evidence that he is too heavy to be the heir apparent.

He also said: If you have evidence, present it and don't spread rumors without evidence.

Although Chu Heng's response was brief, it caused an uproar.

People in the empire began to speculate on conspiracy:

"Dareqing also involves a fight for the throne. Why did this incident explode so quickly? It turns out there were many promoters behind it." "

No wonder? Some time ago, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince clearly led the Second The legion defeated the Zerg, seriously injured the mother bug, and won victory and peace for the empire. However, some people spread rumors that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was seriously injured and his natural strength was severely damaged. According to the empire's tradition, he should not continue to be the crown prince. There are still rumors. His Highness became red-blooded after being killed on the battlefield. In addition, he was seriously injured and caused a mental riot. He was already slightly out of control. The rumor was quite impressive, but a few people still believed it. Unexpectedly, it turned out that there was someone with good intentions behind it. 'Manipulation?'

"It seems that until the truth comes out, we still have to keep a wait-and-see attitude."

"Some people are really low. If you want to fight for position, just fight openly and openly, and show your own strength and ability." Come, go to the battlefield and fight, hide behind and engage in intrigues and calculations!" "

If there is no evidence, start public opinion to spread rumors that His Royal Highness is the murderer. I also say that some thoughtful people deliberately set up this situation and want to use public opinion. Forcing His Highness the Crown Prince to abdicate - after all, this is not the first time he has done this."


Emperor Chu Zhengming did not interfere in the fight for the throne between his two sons. In order to select the most outstanding heir, Chu family tradition has always discouraged interference in the next generation of heirs - unless there are special circumstances.

Chu Zhengming was not surprised by Chu Heng's counterattack.

In addition to being a little smart in love, the prince Chu Heng is also capable and reliable.

But what was a bit surprising was that Chu Zhenglong actually got involved.

In response to this, Chu Zhengming turned the jade ring on his hand, thoughtfully.

Like Chu Heng, he quickly thought of the "mysterious man" who had ordered and cooperated with the Greedy Wolf Star Bandits to kidnap Chu Heng many years ago.

Whether it was motivation, ability or means, Chu Zhenglong was extremely likely at that time.

With this in mind, he ordered his confidants to investigate Chu Zhenglong.

And the second prince's mood was much more intense than that of Chu Zhengming.

He didn't expect that Chu Heng would use "public opinion" to bite him back?!

He almost spit out blood when he saw that many people were angry at him and accused him of deliberately setting up a trap to frame Chu Heng.

Chu Heng, a madman, no matter how bad his relationship with others is in private, he still maintains face on the surface. He, Chu Heng, was so lucky that he openly betrayed her directly!

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